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Messages - Drobbit (487)

Pages: 1 ... 34 35 [36] 37 38 ... 41
Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 28, 2010, 08:33:01 am »
Ok, I'll thank you then some alternative art. The art is not particulary important for me (not as much as the card itself) so if you, the team or Zanzarino himself prefere another art I won't be mad because of this.
So if you think the quickest way is to find new art, you have my whole permission.

Yes because is the first step for the discard cards

Crucible Archive / Re: The Moirae | The Graeae
« on: October 27, 2010, 09:14:26 am »
What if instead of "discard" I say "put on the bottom of the deck"?

Crucible Archive / Re: The Moirae | The Graeae
« on: October 25, 2010, 11:15:10 pm »
thats another taboo, no cards that kill creatures without taking their hitpoints into account, unless it is a combination of cards (freeze/shockwave)
hahaha better to stop geting ideas for today or I'll post another taboo (two are enough for one day)

Crucible Archive / Re: The Moirae | The Graeae
« on: October 25, 2010, 10:59:11 pm »
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
That makes Drobbit cry...
It's hard to give face to text, I don't mean to come off harsh, but I feel its important to be as unvague as possible when posting while keeping posts succinct. I like the attempt to blend Darkness with Time, but hand disruption is a taboo card mechanic at the moment in Elements. Maybe explore other ideas in and around dark/time?
Well, the other option that crosses my mind is the abbility
 :time :time: Fixed fate
Target creature dies in three turns.

Crucible Archive / Re: The Moirae | The Graeae
« on: October 25, 2010, 10:39:27 pm »
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
That makes Drobbit cry...

Crucible Archive / Re: The Moirae | The Graeae
« on: October 25, 2010, 10:10:21 pm »
Well, looking at the uproar caused by dune scorp, I'm gonna have to say no.
Sorry, I don't get what you are talking about. What's in common with dune scorpion? Is there any uproar?  :o

Crucible Archive / Re: The Moirae | The Graeae
« on: October 25, 2010, 10:08:50 pm »
Is the last of the 3 ideas I had and the one I like most. I've been thinking for a long about this card and I think I finally got something cool.
As we still don't have the discard ability, I don't know if it's OP or not. But I hope you'll like to play that card if it even comes to life.

Waiting your comments...

Crucible Archive / The Moirae | The Graeae
« on: October 25, 2010, 10:05:33 pm »
The Moirae
7 :darkness
:time :time :time: Put a ramdom card from the opponent's hand on the bottom of his deck
The Graeae
7 :darkness
:time :time :time: Look at the opponent's hand, then choose a card from there and put it on the bottom of his deck.
"Three Witches (" Henry Fuseli, 1783
The idea cames from the ancient greek mithology:
The moirae:
The graeae:

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Quest: improve a creature
« on: October 24, 2010, 06:40:55 pm »
Well, I understand and I share your view. It's a bad idea to change the game base because it changes the purpose of creating new creatures.

But I still think that it could be if the cost is balanced. Of course not with the abilities, but yes with the stats.
You want a 100/100 dragon? OK, when you'll be able to summon it, you'll be over.
The same with the oty. You'll have a big creature that can eat almost anything, but the cost is considerably higher so it will came much later and maybe is still better to put a plate armor on it rather than pay a higher cost.
On the example of the firefly. You'll have a unique card improved, the ones casted by the firefly queen will not be like this one.

But again, for me it's just a debate. Now I don't pretend to implement this on the game so if you want to close that I'm OK. If you want to keep debating, OK for me to.  ;)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Magma|Magma
« on: October 24, 2010, 06:28:06 pm »
I'm not sure if I understood correctly...
A permanent that destroys with no cost for 2 :fire maintenance

I love the idea but I'm pretty sure that it's OP. Spark + Inmolation + 2 burning towers and at the very first turn you start to blow up things like crazy.

What if, instead of paying a maintenance, you have to sacrifice a permanent to destroy an opponent's permanent? The advantage is that you can choose what to sacrifice and destroy, of course. And also you can choose to sacrifice Magma.

Hope you like the idea.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Invisible Pink Unicorn | Invisible Pink Unicorn
« on: October 24, 2010, 06:20:22 pm »
What would the shield be called?
The unique and really useful but not so expensive glasses to see the invisible pink unicorn if it really exists AKA Those glasses

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