Are you sure you want the [new] upped to be 8
? maybe you could put the upped price down to 7
... That's kind of better IMO, cuz it costs 3
, thats kinda expensive, but also it is uses
quanta, while the card is a time card. I think this card's upped deserves to be played at a slightly cheaper price
but only IMO. hope this helps 
In fact, I was thinking to put the price down to 6 or 7 for both. But I think that both have to cost the same because the upped one has an extra ability (that is payed apart). I'll wait for further opinions about the cost before I decide to change it. Thanks for your contribution.
the best way to deal with fate counters if its an important creature is reverse time.
You are right.
The whole game around these two cards is to play without quinting your creatures. If the opponent quint his or have creatures burrowed, you have more chances to have fate counters on your side of the field.
Of course that lets your creatures unprotected.