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Messages - DoomedProphet (31)

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Anvil Archive / Re: Outbreak | Epidemic
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:14:13 pm »
Not to mention, if I"m not mistaken this grows exponentially..
First it kills 1 creature, then infects 2.. then 4.. Then 8..

Anvil Archive / Re: Tick | Tock
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:12:39 pm »
I like it just the way it is. It makes for an interesting stall win. (More interesting than firelance)

Anvil Archive / Re: Four Seasons | Four Seasons
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:03:38 pm »
That's a pretty awesome control card, I like it.

Anvil Archive / Re: Quantum Flash | Quantum Flash
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:00:42 pm »
I'm sorry, but where this is sickest is in a mono-color rush deck.
Imagine this...

6x Fire Dragon
6x Quantum Flash (Fire)
And then other typical fire-rush stuff..

You could run QUANTUM towers instead of normal towers, use the Flashes to quickly convert your quants into a single color, drop some big beaters, and draw through your deck.

Just a rough-decklist..
8x Quantum Towers
4x Fire Dragons
6x Quantum Flash (Fire)
2x Deflagration
6x Phoenix
4x Imolation

This would be a very fast deck IF you got the right draw (given, it would flop a lot too)

Anvil Archive / Re: Thunderbird | Thunderbird
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:53:09 pm »
This guys thunderbird idea...
Perhaps  :air : Three random permanents an opponent controls are disabled for 1 turn. (Could be towers, shields, weapons, ANYTHING)

This allows you to handle MULTIPLE permanents at one time, allows for quanta denial, BUT doesn't destroy the perms.

Anvil Archive / Re: Dragon Power | Dragon Power
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:48:23 pm »
3 :airShockwave
3 :darknessSteal
  :deathNecromancy (Whenever a creature an opponent controls is send to the graveyard, instead return it to play under your control)
2 :earthStrenghten(+1/+3)
3 :fireFervor(Creatures you control get +2/+0 until the end of turn.)
2 :gravity:Destroy (2) or Basilisk Blood(2)
3 :life:Biogenesis(Generate a random Life creature) OR (Target pillar turns into a creature of the same quanta. IE: Nymph Tears, but it creates ANY creature from that color)
2 :lightPrism(It's like supernova.)
1 :timeDelay(For 2 turns)
2 :waterFreeze
1 :entropyChaos Seed
:aetherBlink(Whenever a creature is targetted by a spell or ability, remove it from the game. Return it to play at the begining of your next turn. This essential makes all of your creatures immortal, and targetting your opponents creatures with spells prevents them from hitting you for 1 turn (yes, it prevents you from right-out removal, but that is the cost for pseudo-immortality))

Introduce Yourself / y halo thur
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:05:22 pm »
mi nam iz domedproph (dp for shirt, teehehehe)

And I don't actually type like above.. Bleh, that was making me twitch.

Either way, I've been playing Elements for 2-3 months now (irregularly) and just last night I finally decided to participate in the elements chat room. Either way, one thing leads to another and someone suggested that I create a forums account...

Either way, as far as my interests..
I like long walks on the beach (in Minecraft)
I like moonlit walks on new & unexplored planets (in Dead Space)
As well as frolicking through the fields (in Harvest Moon, also, inb4 'bundle of sticks!  y u play harvest moon?')

I am admittedly a /b/tard, a Minecrafter, a planeswalker and a programmer.

IRL I work as a computer lab assistant for a state college, and I am working on my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (focusing on Networking).
Also, I am enlisted in the US Military.

y u be no friendly? say hi!

Edit: I look like an idiot in the above post. Shit.

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