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Messages - Disaru (12)

Pages: [1]
Rainbow Decks / CB!'s FG Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

cool deck idea :D why the ulit though?

Trio & Quartet / Zero-Pillars Zero-Permanents Six-Scarabs
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

cool strategy, are all the chaos powers really necessary though?

General Discussion / Strategies
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

Used to be?  You say that like you stopped...  Yeah, you are right, inventing, pioneering, perfecting.  The three steps on the road to arguing about who did each step  :D.
LOL!  ;D

General Discussion / Strategies
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

LOL wow this girl is kind of funny actually. First she says you can't pick one card and say you invented it, then claims she made the Anubis time/aether strategy  ;D Its funny how hostile she gets in every post though, just from quickly viewing the forums :P But don't feed the troll, as they say.

OK you're right, i guess these strategies are outdated. I'll try out the new cards and see whats changed. Just wanted to put out old strategies that used to work well. And by the way, I tried the mark of fire, it actually has its separate pile from normal pillars, so it slows down the full potential of EQ if you have pillars in two separate piles.

General Discussion / Strategies
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

Its all good really :D dont want this escalating into another e-argument haha so i'll admit my wrong and be done with that lol. Has anyone actually tried out the titans strategy, I've got three from the past but i dont think this is enough

General Discussion / Strategies
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

Haha woops :D now that i re-read it, it does seem pretty sarcastic doesnt it? I just assumed since she tried to claim that she made some sundial strategy, she would claim others xD

Duo-Decks / T50 Drain Grinder!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

cool strat

General Discussion / Strategies
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

lol WOOPS :/ nevermind I said that then lol you can check wiki though, I published the first one, so I'm not sure how you can dispute that :P

General Discussion / Strategies
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

Hi everyone, old player just dropping in  ;D I'm probably a noob by now, but I just decided to put out some old strategies that might not be known. I'm not liking this new trend of stacked rainbow decks (i made the first hourglass/rainbow strategy :P) so i think its good to encourage other strategies.

Strategy #1

Gravity Towers (very little needed, low cost cards)
Animate Weapon
Gravity Force


Reverse Time
Novas for quantum

Note: this strategy is not expensive because the non-upgraded cards are already low cost. The only cards you really need to upgrade are Animate Weapon, and maybe Reverse Time, Sundial if you choose to use them.

Main Strategy: Fly your titans, with 8DMG/70HP, it dishes out a lot of damage for low quanta cost. The key to this strategy is to gravity pull your titans, with 70HP it can take a lot of damage from your opponent before dying. With 6 titans, it can take 70x6=420 damage once pulled.

Optional Strategy: I know having multiple titans is difficult (except for vets like me :P jk) but you can reuse titans or even one titan (although the likelihood of drawing it will be drastically decreased). Anticipate when your titan is about to die (add the amount of damage your opponent is dishing out + potential cards in their hand) and then reverse time your titan. Then replay it the next turn and its back to a potential 70DMG control.

You can even use sundials for MORE damage control (or to keep your titans alive), but you can also reverse time an almost-dead titan, hasten it, then replay it - ALL IN THE SAME TURN, to avoid taking any damage.

I know this strategy needs to draw a few cards to be present in your hand to be viable, so you can add hourglasses (to help draw all the cards you need), damage dealers (titans may not be enough damage), and maybe even splash cards (since all these cards are relatively low cost, so you can easily play them all in the same turn with a few novas/supernovas.

Strategy #2

If anyone has ever faced a veteran with a pillar called "Mark of Fire" or "mark of time" card (not talking about normal pillars), these "pillars" go behind the player's original mark instead of the pillar area. If all their pillars go behind the mark, you can't select it for Earthquake. This is not so much a strategy as exploiting a game bug hah but these rare cards arent in circulation so you'll rarely see someone with all "mark of fire" pillars.

Strategy #3

This is a very old strategy,but I'm not sure if it's still in effect. Has near 100% success with anything but FG (can't deck FGs out). It's upgraded Dissipation shield + Quantum pillars. Use AE on it to secure your win, and fill it with serious creature/permanent control.
It can also easily be (and SHOULD be) incorporated into any rainbow deck, as your last move to stay alive with all the quantum you've built throughout the game. I sometimes end rainbow games with 1000+ quanta in total, so thats 1000+ damage it can take before breaking.

General Discussion / Mark Card?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:19 pm »

I will not ever put them up in a farming rares deck. I think that is just wrong. I worked hard to get those and why should I make one of the rarest cards in the game easier for y'all. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I feel like when players put up a farming deck of rare cards takes the challenge out of the game.  8)


masteries with EB are too circumstantial :P always depends on opp's dmg and your dmg, and you can rarely time it right unless you have shields (which have to come at the right time :P)

Duo-Decks / Flyin' Eagles deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:52 pm »

I played with this deck awhile back, had amazing creature control, but slow damage and not enough permanent control. The explosion helps with permanent control, but not really

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