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Level 0 AI's tutorial misspells the word "quanta"Ahahaha... Was just about to report that
It's written as "qaunta" on the very first screen before you do anything, on the first text box.
Also, the wording of the sentence is very poor as well, might want to fix that at the same time.
Well really, i think someones not very likely to add graviton mercenary even if they do use supernovae. I think most ppl will just get some momentum or otyugh instead.I meant under or equal to 4 quanta, which is what you get out of 2 Supernovas.I see it used in speedbows since it is Gravity's only creature under 4 quanta that starts out with >0 attack. Chargers are too expensive, Firemasters take too long to grow. I say increase health to 7 to make use of the Gravity theme and make it survive two massive RoF's or EE's. (it's a guard, isn't it?) Cheaper cost won't help it too much.Graviton mercenary implies unupped, meaning that it doesn't cost under 4 quanta.
Well are you sure such a long description could fit on the card?It's not actually that complicated. When you mutate creatures, they gain the mutant status. If you TU or hatch a mutant, it generates another mutant that is slightly stronger, instead of a normal monster.How about if a creature is hatched from the fate egg's ability, it gains the "Hatched" Status.That would be really complicated, and zanz would probably make the game more simple than that
Creatures targeted with reverse time when they have the Hatched status will turn back into a fate egg.
Assuming they didn't already use an ability, this means that it can rehatch again on the same turn (No summoning sickness.)
So with an eternity, you can keep reversing and rehatching the fate egg each turn until you get a creature that you like.
This is just a similar suggestion with the egg.
It would just be similar to reverse timing a mummy, so if you reverse a hatched creature, it turns into a fate egg.
Did you read the READ THIS FIRST (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10223.0.html) section?Oh ok thank you for pointing that out. Fixed.
Besides saying yes or no suggestions on how it needs to be buffed are to be included, and a picture with the upgraded and unupgraded need to be included as well. Thank you.
My first suggestion would be to lower the cost of the unupgraded one to 3
I would say changing it to 4 hp. It doesn't gain any health, and yet, single firestorm can wipe out your army of these things. Let them at least survive 1 RoFFire supposed to be a more fragile and offensive element, not a defensive one. Just incase you didn't notice, most fire creatures have low HP but do high damage