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Messages - DesiredNinja (59)

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Deck Help / NO-LOW Quantum Deck
« on: January 06, 2012, 10:00:59 pm »
First if anyone has posted a deck like this I am sorry I searched for awhile but didnt find anything.

Ok so ive been messing with this deck for a bit and my goal was to make a deck that costs hardly anything. At first I started it for fun but I soon realized its pretty effective against opponents up to Lv3 (in my experience Ive found it just as fast and effective as a shreiker rush vs. Lv3s), and against Lv3 it has a 3/1 win/lose ratio and TTW is tipically around 8-12. It costs 921 Electrum (I added it all in my head so it may be a little off). I dont know how to add the deck code stuff but here it is.

Mark: Light
3x Dagger
6x Nova
6x Photon
6x Blessing
3x Deja Vu
6x Sparks

The strategy is simple, play what you can when you can using blessings on your deja vus then duplicate them doubling the attack gained from them. You can also use them on sparks if you have no deja vus in your hand to keep them alive, but I dont suggest using them on photons although you can do that as well.

Comments, Critisizm, Complements, Advice feel free to post  :D

like new cards dont like no t50

Tech Talk / Re: Get certified, is it worth the cost?
« on: January 04, 2012, 10:46:23 pm »
i took a class that focused mostly on html and css but it touched up on a little javascript, im more into the game design stuff though so the js i use when making games in unity3d is either self tought or i learned from unities scripting references page (im not all that great with js so please dont test me ik how to make a madlib and different types of popups on a webpage and a few things in unity and thats about it) imho if u have the money for it you may as well get the certification as it may be of use later but if not dont go out of ur way for it

Tech Talk / Re: 3 Objects Out of Video Games or Anime
« on: January 04, 2012, 10:27:01 pm »
1. nightingale armor from skyrim (nightingale armor is the coolest looking armor in the game + it gives some nice bonuses amd armor rating)

2. the destiny plume from valkyre profile covenant of the plume (having a feather that unlocks someones potential and gives you both a special power them kills them while you keep the power forever just sounds awesome)

3. Odahving from skyrim (dragon you can call on to help you)

Tech Talk / Re: Lolcode
« on: January 04, 2012, 10:09:35 pm »
I like javascript cuz u can do a lot with it dont like it when using unity3d cuz the engine doesnt read it all that well

Visual Arts / Re: Elements Merchandise
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:56:00 pm »
darkness is my favorite element i would deffinantly buy an elements shirt or two

General Discussion / Re: AI Countering Decks?
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:27:18 pm »
their out to get me   :o

Anvil Archive / Re: Necromancer | Abyssal Necromancer
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:47:18 am »
i really want to see this card come into the game i think it would be a great addition

General Discussion / Re: AI Countering Decks?
« on: January 03, 2012, 11:50:06 pm »
ok thx

General Discussion / AI Countering Decks?
« on: January 03, 2012, 11:20:17 pm »
everytime i use a deck that fails against CC and im facing Lv3s they have CC decks (specificaly using owls eye as i used adrenal frogs) then i switch to a shreiker rush and i get the same Lv3 4 times in a row (light mark uses crusaders and wings which makes my attacks useless) so is theres some sort of AI thing that just selects opponents decks that counter mine or do i just have awful luck (i do game design myself so i know how hard it is to program AI counter selection but if it is completely random the chances of this is very slim)

Outdated Tutorials / Re: Deckbuilding 101: From Noob to False God Slayer
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:52:26 pm »
good tutorial i normaly come here for ideas for making quick score+coin

probably when i accidentilly hit the back button with my mouse when i was messing with it and i lost when all i had to do is end my turn

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