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Messages - Delreich (777)

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 65
Darkness / Re: Liquid Shadow
« on: April 08, 2010, 09:46:10 pm »
Creatures get infected, not poisoned. What is poisonous to Elementals isn't necessarily harmful to their summoned creatures.

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Top50 PvP Not Working
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:19:47 pm »
However, everything else (saving, other opponents etc) works fine, so it's not a connection problem.
Saving and so on doesn't involve the highscore server, so that does not rule out a connection problem.

Aether / Re: level 3 speed immortality deck (oppinions please)
« on: April 07, 2010, 09:14:03 pm »
Yepp, turns out you were a few months late on that one, Essence. =P

Forum Game Archive / Re: Brainquest
« on: April 07, 2010, 01:14:18 am »
1. Six sides, 5 minutes each, two at a time. 6/2 = 3, 3*5 = 15.
2. Rotate right. 8136.
3. 3. There are only two kinds.
4. ±, though that's stretching it a bit. An inequality is true or false, it does not produce a number. A decimal separator is not a mathematical sign/symbol in that sense.
5. 10
6. 13:29
7. There are 120 graboids. Assuming the only types of creatures attending are the three listed, there are 64 Shiekers and 16 Fire Queens.
8. Armagio walks for 4 hours. Assuming no other events take any time, Phoenix also walks for the same time. 31 kph for 4 hours takes you a distance of 124 km.

Water / Re: Permafrost Math
« on: April 06, 2010, 10:46:58 pm »
Double cheking the digits water man is correct and 57% seems very conclusive ;D
Permafrost shield freezes creatures for three turns, 30% of the time (on average).
The freeze starts just after the attack, and ends just after an attack opportunity.
That means
  • a critter misses 3 attacks every time it gets frozen
  • a critter gets frozen (on average) 3 times for 10 successful attacks.
10 attacks + 3*3 turns frozen = 19 turns to do 10 turns worth of damage, or 9 of 19 attacks blocked. 9/19 = 47%.

If it had frozen critters before they did their damage, that would be 7 attacks in 16 turns (56% blocked), but it doesn't.

Miracle / Re: Tip for speeding up Miracle
« on: April 06, 2010, 05:02:56 pm »
It was true at the time CK posted that. It's most likely something similar now as well, if not exactly the same.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.22
« on: April 06, 2010, 04:54:34 pm »
The spins were nerfed quite a while ago; I don't think they were nerfed in recent updates but they were nerfed sometime after 1.12 and before 1.17.
If they were, that would have to have been in 1.13 then, because they haven't been nerfed since then.

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Top50 PvP Not Working
« on: April 04, 2010, 05:42:44 pm »
The answer is still the same as well.

If this is a temporary issue, reloading the page or loading up the trainer and checking the high scores there might work (reset the connection, sort of, similar to what you would do if you can't save).
Next step would be to wait a bit and then try again. The server might be overloaded, or there might be some unit on the way between you and the server that isn't feeling well.

If this isn't temporary, it's quite likely that something is blocking the connection.
If it's some type of content blocking that you have control over, disabling it should give you confirmation that that really is the issue, and you can then try and fix the set up.
If it's out of your hand, you're probably at work or in school and might be better off doing what you're supposed to do instead, so you don't end up unemployed or expelled. ;)

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.22
« on: April 03, 2010, 09:35:03 pm »
I'm wondering what goes in the "passive ability" on the right side of the display box.  So far, "invulnerable" on a phase dragon shows up on the left and adrenaline on a guardian angel didn't show up at all (AI1 did it, not me.)
It shows passive skills, for critters such as devourers...

... or scarabs.

If there are cards in all three rows, then the cards go on top of the info.
As said by Gl1tch.
It seems it still needs a few tweeking here and there.
Seems to have been fixed now (see scarab screenie above). There's another one that's in at the time of writing though:

If the image doesn't show up, the "cards left" / library symbol is on top of the info box.

Tournament Archive / Re: Western Tournament April 3rd Game Thread
« on: April 03, 2010, 08:54:02 pm »
verity_blues beats Lord_Jadem 2-1 after some computer issues.
Terroking beats Lord_Jadem 2-0 to take third place (2-1 if you count Terro's miss-clicks).
Icybraker takes the top spot with 3-1 vs verity_blues, after a few tight games.

Final results:
1. Icybraker   5000 electrum and Purple Nymph
2. verity_blues   3000 electrum
3. Terroking   2000 electrum
4. Lord_Jadem   1000 electrum

Tournament Archive / Western Tournament April 3rd Game Thread
« on: April 03, 2010, 06:03:49 pm »

1. Icybraker   5000 electrum and Purple Nymph
2. verity_blues   3000 electrum
3. Terroking   2000 electrum
4. Lord_Jadem   1000 electrum

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