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Messages - Darnum (1)

Pages: [1]
Gravity / Re: mono gravity
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:02:07 pm »
I just wanted to let you know, I built this deck after I saw it here, and it is definately a great deck for farming Bronze.  I am probably hitting about 20 wins for every loss.  I have gotten around 5 rares with this deck playing off and on for about 2 hours.  It seems pretty well balanced as I very rarely have a bad hand.  The only issue with this deck is if a pure rush deck that has maxed hit points gets a draw of dragons with over 5 hit points it can take too long for an Oty to kill.  Acceleration isn't great creature control, because if you are facing a dragon with say 7 HP it will get in three supercharged hits before you can eat it.  Any thoughts?

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