Trial of Light / Re: Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: January 29, 2011, 12:25:56 am »
My vote will msot likely be going for xdude, for an extremely simple reason;
I've been on these forums since scaredgirl opened them from the previous orginial forum.
And since then, I saw xdude do a superb job, and I know he is capable of even more.
But we shall see!
My question to you challangers is the following (not you xdude):
By particpating in these challanges, you are proclaiming that you are capable of being a good master for light.
But I do think that good master, is one that LOVES his element, not one that joins out of the wish of just simply becoming a master.
What exactly do you love about light if at all? Is it a card? The element's philosophy? Or do you have some other motive?
And to you xdude (feel free to answer the above if you feel up to it):
I have to say, I see a good, nay, a great leader in you. So tell me, what do you think makes a you a good and responsible leader; but more then that, what could you do to improve and become the best master there could be?
I've been on these forums since scaredgirl opened them from the previous orginial forum.
And since then, I saw xdude do a superb job, and I know he is capable of even more.
But we shall see!
My question to you challangers is the following (not you xdude):
By particpating in these challanges, you are proclaiming that you are capable of being a good master for light.
But I do think that good master, is one that LOVES his element, not one that joins out of the wish of just simply becoming a master.
What exactly do you love about light if at all? Is it a card? The element's philosophy? Or do you have some other motive?
And to you xdude (feel free to answer the above if you feel up to it):
I have to say, I see a good, nay, a great leader in you. So tell me, what do you think makes a you a good and responsible leader; but more then that, what could you do to improve and become the best master there could be?