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Messages - Cstibby (2)

Pages: [1]
Deck Help / Re: How would you improve my deck?
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:51:25 am »
I would drop the Short Sword. Add a reverse time or something.

Deck Help / Aether/Air Deck looking for feedback
« on: February 09, 2010, 11:34:43 pm »
Here is the Deck I'm currently running.  :aether is my element.

 :air 9 Wind Pillers
 :air 6 Wyrms
 :air 1 Eagles Eye
 :aether 11 Aether Pillers
 :aether 4 Lightenings
 :aether 5 Parallel Universes
 :aether 4 Dimension Shields
 :aether 1 Phase Dragon

My make stratigy is clearly to take advantage of the "dive" feature on the Wyrms in combo with the Parallel Universes, to constantly making stronger Wyrms.

 Any thoughts?

Pages: [1]