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Messages - Count Dante (7)

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General Discussion / Re: Purify as alternative to SoG?
« on: July 07, 2010, 10:37:04 am »
I have been playing with this in the trainer and I would say no, at least as I can see.

To really make it cook you would need to add 6 of them. That is a lot of card space. 6 cards, 6  :water for 12 a turn if you had them all out. While SoG is 2 anything, say 4 in a deck, 8 colorless and 20 a turn.

It might have a spot in bigger decks and it is great that it cant be stolen. But in smaller decks, it just doesnt have much of a place.

Just my opinion after messing around with it in some deck ideas.

I think you might be surprised on the False gods... (Only working the Titan variant, only in trainer)

The Titan one out of the box, yes, needs a perfect draw. But 2 titans buffed is enough for a kill condition.

With an Entropy mark, Pandemonium is a rock star and is great for disruption. I love it here and it will get 1 - 2 slots.

Right now I am trying to work out the defense side of the house, playing with combination of Antimatter, Fire bucklers, Upped sundials (since the deck has to get bigger, the extra card draw helps), Miracle, mirror shields, jade shields, permafrost, congeal and octos, shards.

The other part is permanent control and playing with steals and explosions.

I am thinking that Miracle wont make the cut in favor of the upped sundials. The increased draw and turn to stall helps huge. After a few changes (about a 35 - 40 card right now), some changes are performing much better than I thought. Huge weaknesses in the mutating and the TU against your titans but two is really enough thus far to kill and not sure how I can fit in Quint... maybe Anubus make make it in but with the hourglasses he is so costly to get out.

But I love flying Titans and I am sure there is something here.

Anyway, dont mean to derail, but I think there is some backbones here for minor adjustments to FGs. When I have something that is respectable, I will put it here. But it is fun working this.

Just to clarify (because Titan is easily one of my favorite cards), have you been using this in the FG realm or ai5 only?

I see references to to both, so wanted to clarify before I upped a few cards.

And I agree with Pandemonium... I think it fits perfectly.

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 08:06:07 pm »
If I substituted the Rays for SoGs and an extra Dial, or used an Animate Weapon or Sparks for Cremation? Or maybe the Spine Carapace with the extra 1 dmg reduction? I can almost build this deck but was upgrading some rares and didnt want to spend the extra cash if it was futile.
I tried to stay away from the Animate Weapons (and Fahrenheits) mostly because I think FG decks can only support 1 type of combo before it gets too inconsistent with too many dead cards in your hand.  In normal rainbows it's Quintessence and creatures to win the game.  In this deck it's Cremation and sacrificial creatures.

But it's worth testing.
Thus far you are 100% correct. The Fahrenheits and Animate are not working very well. Not enough fire quanta (the way I am running) to make Fahr worth while. When i get something I am not embarrassed to post, I will share here as well and perhaps there is a deck in here that is sexy. I do love the fractal phoenix Cremation as a kill.

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 07:48:49 pm »
Yeah, I usually end up with a lot of Fire Quanta, but it's mostly there to spam 8 Phoenixes (ideally).

The current version still isn't working as well as I wish it did.  It's the Quanta required to get going.  Cremations are just inferior to Supernovas for all non-fire cards if there aren't any Graveyards in play.  The deck gets a lot of bad draws because of this.

Maybe switch mark back to Entropy and -Towers & + Novas...?

You could always add a normal Pheonix for more punch or maybe a 2nd Fractal to soak up some quanta.  But I don't know about that.

I am still using the Entrophy mark and Super novas.

But I am only still playing with the Level 5 to get a better feel, combining some of your ideass with crap I havent made work yet.  I am not having an issue with too much of any quanta (but white) but also running too many cards (at 50) at the moment.

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 07:14:25 pm »
For the record, a version I was playing with/thinkin about was with Eaters, Fahrenheits, Animate Weapon, elite queen, etc. I was using Otough and a Quint, but it wasnt working right with only one of each.

But screw it, I will buy and upgrade some of these and work on it too. It is fun as hell and deviates from the standard-ish rainbow, making it a bit more fun.

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 06:47:56 pm »
(long time player first time poster :) )

I have been working on a VERY similar deck because 1. I love the Phoenix 2. Just...more fun and 3. Other decks get boring.

Mine was simply a collection of cards like I like the most from all the colors with some defense.

However, I am without a Miracle (go figure I have a crap ton of others, no Miracle).

I want to steal some of your make up, but didnt know how crucial the Miracle was.

If I substituted the Rays for SoGs and an extra Dial, or used an Animate Weapon or Sparks for Cremation? Or maybe the Spine Carapace with the extra 1 dmg reduction? I can almost build this deck but was upgrading some rares and didnt want to spend the extra cash if it was futile.

Thanks in advance!

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