Round 8 / Corrum (fire)2 vs Demagog (earth) 1
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:36:10 pm »
Rough games, flying discord deck vs my fire/aether shield lock.
First game I had a hand full of pillars and quintessense but managed to pull a shield when I was at about half health, the rest of the game I pulled a new shield exactly when the last was about to expire.
Game 2 he got an early flying discord and a second a 2 turns later. I pretty much had no quanta to do anything. I played a quinted fire spirit but I prolly shouldn't have quinted it.
Game 3 he got a turn 2 discord so I just held on and prayed. Eventually I managed to keep 2 fire quanta and deflaged his lone earth pillar. when I was down to about 25 life his discord failed to scramble enough of the aether quanta and I was able to start chaining my shields.
Good games Damagog.
First game I had a hand full of pillars and quintessense but managed to pull a shield when I was at about half health, the rest of the game I pulled a new shield exactly when the last was about to expire.
Game 2 he got an early flying discord and a second a 2 turns later. I pretty much had no quanta to do anything. I played a quinted fire spirit but I prolly shouldn't have quinted it.
Game 3 he got a turn 2 discord so I just held on and prayed. Eventually I managed to keep 2 fire quanta and deflaged his lone earth pillar. when I was down to about 25 life his discord failed to scramble enough of the aether quanta and I was able to start chaining my shields.
Good games Damagog.
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