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Messages - Cisz (76)

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Edit: This one has been answered - pls ignore.

So it isn't alowwed using pillars of a diffrent type than your element?
Using only cards of your own element (+'other') is pretty self-explanatory.
Sorry to be so persistantly asking for clarification, I still don't understand it. If I use aether towers with my anubis, Lanidraks definition (,2315.msg22655#msg22655) allows this as mono, and you endorsed that, right?

You even stated "- you can use any cards in your deck as long as the deck stays mono (Cards cost only 1 type of element to be played)", in the rules for this challenge right?

So I am allowed animate weapon, all kinds of pillars and quantum towers, sparks and photons, shards, and immolation in a mono time deck, correct or not? ???

I'm sorry to be so slow on this one.


I mean a lot more than that. ;)

The most damage I could do in one turn is 13*6+2*5+4=92 (unless I used fate eggs). And then there's the issue of stalling to get 6 dragons, 2 anubii, and an eternity.
If my opponents wouldn't die so soon, it would be possible for me to do infinite damage with a time deck. Do you want me to demonstrate the concept? :)

Oh, and question: Is a mono deck allowed to feature more than one type of pillars? Like aether pillars for my Anubii? (Anubites? Anubisses? More than one Anubi?) I can do my trick without, but it'll take longer.

Time / Re: Devonian Dragon/ Silurian Dragon
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:39:54 am »
It's low health makes it slip right through the gravity shield.

Time / Re: Reverse Time/ Rewind
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:37:52 am »
If your opponent uses mutation or fate egg, but does not have the right mana to replay the card, you can rewind them away. Can also work against twin universe.

General Discussion / Re: The 7th card - no use for it?
« on: February 12, 2010, 10:43:26 pm »

My problem is, I don't know which deck to upgrade yet. ;) But that is a question for another sub-forum. Thanx for the clarification.

General Discussion / The 7th card - no use for it?
« on: February 12, 2010, 08:35:02 pm »
I was wondering - if I get a 7th copy of a card (non pillar of course), I should sell it, even if it's a mega rare hyper valuable card, right?

Because I can't use more than 6 non pillar of the same type.

Maybe if I wan't to have both upgraded and unupgraded versions of that card, 6+6 =12 total might be usefull, but that's definitely it, right?

Issue Archive / Re: Mark of time card
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:48:28 pm »
Ahh. That would explain it.

Issue Archive / Mark of time card
« on: February 11, 2010, 05:29:20 pm »
Is this a bug? The top 50 ai played a "Mark of time" card against me, and it was not in the trainer. I heard that such a card exists in the trainer bazaar.

If this is not a bug, where can I get this card? ;)

Competitions / Re: MONTHLY CHALLENGE: Screenshots' rush
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:36:57 am »
Could you please re-upload the challange pdf's in your first post? they got destroyed in the last forum makeover. Thanx. :)

Life / Re: Shard / Shard of Gratitude
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:08:36 pm »
I think I have maxed out shards now. Or is there any use for a 7th SoG?

Air / Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:01:25 am »
Or pulverize them.

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