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Messages - Chronospawn (15)

Pages: 1 [2]
Tried reducing deck by dropping a tower and a bone wall to make deck 38 for greater speed...

Every test the only time an oty was drawn it was too late or no quins until deck almost completely gone.

Keep drawing 4 or 5 supernovas in a row. Happens so often.
Worst was a start with 6 s'novas, 7 towers a boneyard and a SoG for opening 15 cards.

Quins are always together as well.

Might try playing on other computer - see if the randomness of cards drawn improves with a better processor / higher RAM; for whenever I play on this desktop, cards drawn are almost always clustered.

I've been playing a variation of this deck for a while now, and love it's speed over the Sundial/Hourglass/Time variant.

One this about the deck is it's reliance on Oty's to win. Today I've been getting shocking draws - such as 2 quins being in the last 10 cards. Next game the 2 quins are in the opening hand but the Otys are on the bottom of the deck... or no quantum to play them til it's too late.

I've gone back now to my 40 cards variant with something which helps this deck more than any other card - Fire Shield.

swap a SoG for a SoR.
improved steal
fire buckler
protect artifact
2 quant towers

Code: [Select]
52n 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 71b 71b 74b 74b 77f 77i 7dl 7do 7do 7gp 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q8 7t9 7t9 80h 80h
A SoR+quin'ed queen is great for firefly spam. The SoR also helps with the Otys' grav hunger, meaning you can use the grav on Pulv instead.
Fire Buckler shreds Paradox, makes it messy for Eternal Pheonix, helps cull creatures with the swarm FG's and puts creatures in range of your Otys often.
I especially love when you control Divine Glory's fire quantum, have a couple of SoGs out with fire buckler and watch his flying morning stars slowly kill themselves.

This deck probably has 1 too many towers. Still testing and refining.

top 50 never works at night which is when i usually play  >:(
When t50 doesn't give you an opponent, relog. It can take a few relog's for T50 to finally work, but once it gets there you are usually fine until you have an extended period of inactivity.

Also have ( open in another tab to check/refresh connections.

If you want to have a luxury experience playing and know a little bit about HTML code, try this out:
1. Use Firefox
2. Install the plugin "Firebug".
3. Load Elements
4. Selecting slightly to the side of the Elements window, "inspect element"
5. Change the "embed" height and width to a larger size - ie: 1280x1024 for a 1650 resolution.

Alas, the game then plays like a full-screen windowed mode game.

As for the deck, have you considered an arctic squid or mind flayer?
Both offer CC (creature control) using excess quantum while both being great recipients for butterfly effect.

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