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Messages - Cebra (166)

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League Archive / Re: Championship League 3/2010
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:59:10 pm »
cebra 2 - 0 SpikeSpiegel

Card Art / Re: Reapers Scythe/Growth Hormone
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:22:55 pm »
Well, for I Reaper´s Scythe I´d love to see a scythe(-.-) with a dark aura or something like that.
And Growth Hormone should be kinda like Adrenaline as both are hormones

But actually, it´s your decision.

Phat Deck / Re: Phat Deck Event: Battle Thread
« on: August 25, 2010, 08:10:11 pm »
Essence? It would be nice if you gave me an answer, when we can battle. Slowly, I start to get fed up with not playing.

Deck Help / Re: Using the new pendulums
« on: August 23, 2010, 10:12:38 pm »
I would suggest to take all pillars and pendulums out Repalce them with 6 Fire and 6 Water Pendulums. Add another Ice Shield. Throw out 4 Purify. Add 2 Nymph´s Tears, an additional Squid and a Dragon. Exchange the Trident to Fahrenheit and add another Fahrenheit. Change 2 Steam Machines for Explosions.
So, all in all:

-2 Fire Pillars
-4 Fire Pendulums
-4 Purify
-2 Steam Machine
-2 Sapphire Pillars
-1 Trident
+6 Water Pendulums
+1 Ice Shield
+2 Nymph´s Tears
+1 Arctic Squid
+1 Arctic Dragon
+2 Fahrenheit
+2 Deflagration

I think this would work better.

I would expend it to 30 people at all.

12 Senior Staff Members
12 Elected Members
06 Former Elected Members

Former Elected Members are those who weren´t elected for the "elected members" part a second time. They have to be an "elected member" at least once.
It´s a bit inspired by the old rome, they did it a bit like that. But they had like 900 people in the council^^

Card Art / Reapers Scythe/Growth Hormone
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:31:33 pm »
Again I need some help with card art...

Reaper´s Scythe(death)
Target creature loses any previous skills and gains "scavenger"
Growth Hormone(life)
Target creature loses any previous skills and gains "growth" for 2 quanta, regarding the creatures element

Thanks a lot

Multilingual / Re: Das letzte Wort
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:21:07 pm »
Das letzte Wort hab ja wohl noch immer ich!

Phat Deck / Re: Phat Deck Event: Battle Thread
« on: August 20, 2010, 09:32:36 pm » opponent for this round does´t respond. What should I do now?
Btw, I BCC´d a copy of my message to you, Essence

League Archive / Re: Championship League 3/2010
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:37:30 pm »
I´m in!

Elements username (aka IGN)
Elements chat username
Elements account score

PvP Event Archive / Re: Post your PvP event ideas here!
« on: August 17, 2010, 07:33:25 pm »
Let´s try again...

Grand Tournament

The players have to search for opponents themselfs, either in chat or in the forums...or in any other way. Every time you fought someone, post in the thread. Matches are best-of-three.

2-1 Winner gets two points, Loser one point
2-0 Winner gets two points, Loser zero points

If you win a match, you win a "game".
If you win or lose, you score a game.
At the end of the event, the 9 best players of that event(3x most points, 3x most wins, 2x most games) will fight in a classical best of 5 tournament.


First Phase has 14 days
Deck Restrictions change EVERY day

The tournament phases will be two days long.
Deck Restrictions change every two days
If all people did their matches before the deadline, no waiting is needed

Final battle is best of 9
Deck Restrictions are given for all of the matches.

Sorry for all the grammar and spelling mistakes, I´m german.

Now better?

I came up with an additional idea:

...before you read this...I hope I used the right word. In the wild west, you got a bounty if you were a criminal. Right? And Head Hunters hunted for those criminals, didn´t they?

Bounty Hunt

Exactly 24 players. 2 for each element. Those are teams
First round, one of them is a Head Hunter and tries to get as many Bounty as possible. The other one gets a bounty.
Second round, the other player is the Head Hunter....
The Score the Head Hunters scored is added to the doubled amount of cash the one with bounty had in the end.

Rules for Head Hunters

How do you earn bounty?
Kill your least defeat him in a best of three match.

How much is a bounty worth?
The Bounties start at 500 cash. If you defeat someone with a bounty, you´ll get as many cash as the bounty is worth. Every time someone with a bounty is defeaten, his bounty is reduced by 50. You can´t play more than once against a player.

And what if I lose?
If you lose, you lose 100 cash and mustn´t play for the next 6 hours.

Are there restrictions?
You have to use a mono deck. If you defeat someone with a bounty of 500, you may use his element too. And you mustn´t play your team member, of course.

Where can I find bounties?
In the chat!

Rules for people with bounty

Are you awarded if you defeat a Head Hunter?
Yes, the defeaten Head Hunter mustn´t play for the next 6 hours.

And what if I lose?
Your bounty gets reduced by 50. You always have to remember how much your head is worth.

How do they find me?
By visiting the chat?

And what if I won´t visit the chat?
If you didn´t play anyone, youre disqualified. Also, your team gets a penalty of 1000 Points. And your points aren´t added to the total score. The score you gained as Head Hunter is lost.

And what if I don´t want do fight?
As long as you don´t have a serious reason why you don´t play, you have to play. So, basically, you mustn´t say "No"

Bounty Hunts are 3 days long. So, this event has a total length of 6 days. The team with the most points wins.

I would like to hold the Bounty Hount-Event, if I´m allowed.

PvP Event Archive / Re: Post your PvP event ideas here!
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:46:42 pm » :o
I didn´t read fault.

PvP Event Archive / Re: Post your PvP event ideas here!
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:21:13 pm »
A Fight fought with bare hands
No weapons and shields, no creatures with skills, no damaging spells and no damaging permanents may be used.

Dragon Force
Choose one element at the beginning of the event. The only creature you may use is the dragon of the chosen element. No Quantum Towers, no Novas.

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