« on: July 17, 2010, 08:13:17 pm »
I made these cards some time ago, but I never made art for them. Well, to be honest, I really suck at art so I hope, there´s somebody around here who could help me with the art for all these cards. I know, it´s a lot, but you don´t have to do art for all the cards.
Stake 5 Fire
2 Fire : Sacrifice
Immolate target creature
(upgraded one cremates target creature)
Gravedigger 5 Darkness
Creature 1|3
1 Earth: Dig
Create a Corpse
(upgraded one creates Elite Corpse)
Corpse 1 Death
Creature 0|1
When immolated/cremated, Corpse
turns into a Flaming Ghost
(upgraded one creates Elite Flaming Ghost)
Flaming Ghost 6 Fire => Elite Flaming Ghost 7 Fire
Creature 6|0 Creature 8|0
Soul Cage 5 Death
Every time a creature is killed,
create a Soul
(upgraded one creates Elite Soul)
Soul 1 Darkness
Creature 0|0
When frozen or congealed, this creature turns
into a Frozen Soul
(upgraded one turns into an Elite Frozen Soul)
Frozen Soul 6 Water => Elite Frozen Soul 7 Water
Creature 5|2 Creature 5|3
Enters game frozen. Every turn Enters game congealed. Every
this creature is frozen, turn this creature is frozen,
it gains +1|+1 it gains +1|+1
Anglerfish 6 Water => Elite Anglerfish 7 Water
Creature 0|3 Creature 0|5
Biolumuinescence Bioluminescence
1 Water: Devour 1 Water: Devour
Wraith 5 Darkness => Spectre 7 Darkness
Creature 3|4 Creature 5|7
Lifeleech: Every time this creature Lifeleech
damages your opponent it is healed
for the same amount
Taurus 4 Life => Bull 6 Life
Creature 0|5 Creature 1|6
Rage: Every time this creatures Rage
looses HP it gets +1|0