« on: July 21, 2010, 12:29:12 pm »
You need an actual link to the card art source - 'art by google' isn't enough. If you found it off a website, provide a link to it and the author name if possible that made it. Also, in your table, the 'Type' is considered to be a Creature, not monster. Fix those up first.
The idea is a weird combo between Unstable Gas (which is BAD if you play this and the opponent has an Jade/Mirror Shield in hand, meaning that you're going to take the damage)
I guess the damage won´t be reflected as it´s a creature and not a spell.
So, a few questions:
-How do you measure this against other creatures? Do you know how powerful this can be when coupled with Cremation (instant death = instant trigger of 20 damage PLUS quanta to spare for another Red Sun)?
Yeah, you´re right, this is definitly overpowered
-Where do you want to see this card in? Mono-Fire rushes? Splashed duos and trios? Anti-FG?
I´ve got no specific idea, it just had the idea to make a card like this
-If there was one mechanic you didn't want to remove from this card, what would it be and why? The stats (decent damage)? The Rain of Fire death trigger? The 20 damage to your opponent (and self for the non-upgraded version) death trigger? The losing 1 HP each turn?
definitly the loosing 1 HP each turn
Okay, I guess this card is OP...how about this
cost is raised again and damage is only dealt when this card is killed by it´s own effect?