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Messages - Cancerplus (117)

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I got an Auburn Nymph yesterday and a Golden Nymph today =D

Did they increase the Nymph rates or what?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pimp my Elements login screen!
« on: August 15, 2010, 09:18:03 pm »
I read the description before booting up elements for the first time but this couldn't do any harm.


cancerplus 2
giversgivealot 1

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Solving Fire Stall
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:16:10 pm »
Why not just limit the amount of SoG one can put into his/her deck. And make SoG 100% refundable to people don't waste money for upgrading 6 of them.

This would stop many annoying stall decks.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: New art for towers/pillars
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:26:38 pm »
I think all the new pillare are amazing minus the fire and aether which are fine but they are no where near the others in terms of awesomeness.

Darkness / Re: Voodoo Doll
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:41:26 am »
Sorry I don't have the time to read all 11 pages so I will just say this.

Won't cremation have 0 affect on the opponents HP since you are not doing damage and simply destroying the creature?

General Discussion / Re: Um guys... Wow.
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:37:32 pm »
Is your game account cancerplus, too. If not - it´s a pity.
Why yes it is. :D

And xKelevra you should PM me those deck idea's ;D

General Discussion / Um guys... Wow.
« on: June 29, 2010, 06:33:32 pm »
Ok since the oracle came out I have gotten a Purple and Green nymph within the first week and a half and then nothing...

Until yesterday when I got a Grey nymph and I got another one today! O_O

2 of the same nymphs in a row what are the chances? xD

Anyone have any deck ideas? lol

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: What is your Zombie Plan?
« on: June 21, 2010, 10:31:11 pm »
FACT: A zombie infestation will at some point swarm out of control and bring about a global zombie appocalypse.

FACT: Billions of people all over the world are NOT ready.

FACT: Millions of people all over the world ARE ready.

What steps have you taken to give you the best chances for survival?

My plan:

Nearly 100% self-sufficient farmstead already fully operational.  Solar power, gardens, livestock.
Easily defensible perimeter can be fully defended by just 1 individual if necessary.
Multiple fall-back points available for nearly any situation or level of attack.
Supplies include ammoless weapon arsenal for the inevitable after years of zombie siege.
Multiple forms of communication equipment ranging from low to high tech.
Complete library full with all necessary subjects including entertainment.

From our base it will be possible to not only survive the zombie appocalypse, but to extend our boarders incrementally as we exterminate the local zombie population, forging the foundation of a new human civilization.

FACT: You are more likely to get eaten by zombies than to win the lottery.

What's your plan?
What happens when a group of well armed people come and try to take over your farm because it's so awesome?

Just like the Prison in the Walking Dead.

You all seem to forget that you will also have to combat desperate and greedy individuals who will try to take whatever is working for you. =P

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Ki Ko Koo Ko Kik!(transformation sound)
« on: June 21, 2010, 12:46:48 am »
Oops sorry.

Better now?

Off-Topic Discussions / Ki Ko Koo Ko Kik!(transformation sound)
« on: June 21, 2010, 12:34:13 am »
Transformers War for Cybertron is coming out this tuesday!

If you have a 360 download the multiplayer demo and give it a shot.

See you guys online!

I am watching it on Tv.

The controls don't seems to be very accurate. Mr. Miyamoto has had to repeat his actions several times to get the correct actions to work. He claims there is wireless interference.
Its also heavily in development as well. You cant expect it to be perfect.
Also, this is Zelda we are talking about, not some random 3rd party filler. Miyamoto will get it working perfectly
I am pretty sure it was interference. They assured everyone that it would work smoothly on the floor where everyone gets to test it.

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