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Messages - Bruciato (15)

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I decided to upgrade 6 RoL yesterday just to start and try the deck. I had an Electrocutor, a Fractal and 6 SoG upgraded only. Now I'm missing just 2 fractals and 6 aether pillars thanks to this deck.

Yesterday: 14/34 upgraded

Today: 26/34 upgraded

Cards found and kept: 15

Total 27 in one day. This deck is amazing and everyone who'd like to farm FGs should have it. Skipping the skip-section FGs is reccomended, I tried everyone to understand how they worked and I won kinda 3 out of 30 times. No sense to try if you just want to upgrade your deck or make electrum.

EDIT: one more day and I finished the upgrade of the whole deck and got some new upgraded cards. Now I feel I can get whatever I want with just some patience!

Multilingual / Re: ITALIANI!
« on: July 29, 2010, 07:10:01 pm »
Ecco un altro italiano  :P

Rainbow Decks / Re: Fast-Draw Unupped Pillarless AI3 Grinder
« on: July 24, 2010, 11:36:50 pm »
First of all, hi all. I play since a few weeks ago and I'd say thank you to scaredgirl for all the awesomness in your decks. That said..

I had probably one of the most unlucky draws ever, in the last 14 cards there were all the novas and the photons.


Anyway, I'm having fun with your decks and I'm having my wins too, so thank you again!

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