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Messages - BloodAngel (129)

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Deck Help / Re: Converting to Supernova Bow
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:08:08 pm »
So, welcome to the forums :D

First of all, i would like to state the biggest difference between the two bows.

Time bow is somewhat more defensive-like, takes some more time to set up, but once set up hard to destroy.
Entropy-bow is faster, relies on the mark for the supernova's, and in two turns you can usually play your hand empty.

Thus, your worries about a deck-out by not being able to use an eternity is usually not needed in  :entropy bow, because its fast enough to kill before the deckout.

Furthermore, if you want to build a  :entropy bow, i would most likely first up 6 nova's to supernova's, because it just won't work unupped, and then you can start to change.

Well, it's a bit straight forward advice, but would be sufficient for now.

if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Quanta Vertex | Quanta Vertex
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:29:02 am »
Me likes :D,

this is like a nova for trio/quatro decks
And would have a situational use at the start of most rainbows,

Later in the game its just some extra fuel, which never hurts right?

don;t know whether its balanced or not, seems right to me, but i'll let someone else decide about that.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Crush | Strong Crush
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:06:14 pm »
In most cases Gravity Pull is sufficiently better to make this obsolete.

Adding a turn of delay and cutting the cost to 2|1 would be a wise start.
Depends, if you want to get rid of an annoying creature, fallen druid for example, but you don't want to loose your attack against your opponent, this is usefull, but yeah, in most cases gravity pull will be better, tho you'll need a creature to archieve that.

Yay OT agrees with my purpose :)

Crucible Archive / Re: Elves's King | Oberon
« on: January 22, 2011, 08:34:20 pm »
just a small grammar correction

It should be

'Heals you for 3 HP each time your creature gains attack'

due to the fact that this is only useable in duo's or more,
(life doesn't have attack increase, except for adreline but that doesn't change the stats)
I think that the price is a tad to high.

I would make it 6|7.

Another note about the costs aswell, it should say 6 :life and 7 :life , unupped and upped respectively.

nice idea, fits the theme of life, me liikez :P

PS. to reword your notes i came up with this  'Everytime your creature gains attack, you will heal for 3|5 HP. Increasing the creature's attack can be done by ablaze, growth, steam, momentum, blessing, chaos power, lycanthrophy, rage potion, overdrive or even dive and unburrow'

don't know if devour/ mutation / endow should also be included, that's up to you.
Also, i did add steam / chaos power/ lycanthrophy and rage potion.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Crush | Strong Crush
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:50:14 pm »
Well as it stands now,

it could cost 3 and 3, tho' in my opinion is that still a bit expensive so making it

2 :gravity | 2 :gravity
3 :gravity | 2 :gravity

And even then, compared to the others its still a bit weak, but better balanced.

Perhaps you could add a special effect, like shockwave can insta kill the target if frozen.
To stick to the gravity theme you could give it 'Insta-kill the target if gravity-pulled'
So if you give it gravity pull and then crush it, its dead but thats 4 quanta for a Instakill, so thats probably overpowered.

Maybe like 'if the creature survives, it is stuck into a time bubble for 1? turn'
Makes sense for me, as due to the heavy 'crush' its like paralyzed and needs time to recover.

well, you figure it out  ;D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Crush | Strong Crush
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:25:26 pm »
that's true, but you could atleast try to equal them.

the bolts cost 1/2 quanta to play, dealing 2/3 damage
The shockwave costs 2 if i remember right (upped) dealing 4 damage
Chaos seed unupped is 1 quanta  (unupped) dealing random effect, mostly damage.
Lightning bolt deals 5 damage for 2 quanta (unupped)

for AoE damage, you have
plague 4 damage (unupped) poisons for 1 to every creature.
Thunderstorm 2 damage (unupped) dealing 1 damage
Rain of Fire 7 damage (unupped) dealing 3 to each creature.

see where i'm going to?

Its kinda expensive for what it does.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Crush | Strong Crush
« on: January 22, 2011, 12:58:17 pm »
i think it should read 'destroy target creature with...'

And doesn't shockwave dominates this one?

Forum Archive / Re: Need help w "Vampire Stiletto/Vampire Dagger"
« on: January 22, 2011, 07:31:05 am »
I didn't :(

but i got 2 from the Ai3, in 1 match, how extremely lucky  :o

Design Theory / Re: Battle vs Gameplay
« on: January 21, 2011, 02:32:36 pm »
the way i see it is as following:

The fact that people do not like/hate the card 'bank'
would probably be because it doesn't add much to the gameplay or to the fact that you loose or win.
For some it would just be a useless card, takes up a vital spot in their deck,
saying they have better cards (that do help them to win the game)

For others, which grind Ai3 for example, removing 3 of their cards for 'bank' in their deck,
wouldn't reduce the ammount of loosing that much, and thus they see it as a good card,
saying they get electrum more easily/faster.

It is true that you have to grind a lot, to get the (upped) cards you want, to build and customize your deck without limits.
For most people (at least for me, and probably a lot of 'regular' players) who can build like 1 or 2 decks with the upped cards they have,
would really like to tryout some other deck idea's that I can't due the lack of  :electrum

This said, I would probably be in the middle of it,
- I do like the idea of getting more electrum faster
- I dislike the idea of getting useless cards, in cases where 'that permafrost would've kept you alive'

Well, I hope you can use my opinion. :)

Crucible Archive / Re: Elemental Shackle | Elemental Shackle
« on: January 20, 2011, 10:00:30 pm »
Haha no problemo :)

glad i could help, i really like the idea :D

Crucible Archive / Re: Elemental Shackle | Elemental Shackle
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:19:30 pm »
My 2 :electrum so far.
- Change this card from Spell to Permanent.
- Change the effect to: A target's skill cost is doubled while this card is on the field.

That way, you can destroy the card to free your target from its effect. With this, I think it'd be ok to leave the upped effect as tripled too? If not, we can brain-storm some more.

first of all, yes, that would be a great idea, making it a permanent makes sense, like YYB said, Damn he is always faster :P

And then, like i mentioned before, i make the post quite quick, have soccer training and stuff, so didn't had time to do my full saying :P, glad you filled me on that.

True, its positive, if you look it that way, against stalling decks, or decks that rely on their mark to fuel the skill or something.
but the point i wanted to make was the other way arround, stall decks would probably also pack them, and due to the fact that generate tons of quanta, like you said it would kinda even up, but when we pack a pulverizer or something equal, it wouldn't hurt half as bad (with the new proposal)

so good idea :) thumbs up!

Crucible Archive / Re: Dark Ranger | Dark Ranger
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:27:45 pm »
Well, if it is a ranger, it should be able to hit things using "wings". Just like an eagle eye can hit past the wings shield.
you could just give it the passive stats of 'ranged'?

It has the same as the EE (ranged weapon) , flying EE has 'airborne' and 'ranged'
If you web it, airborne will leave, but ranged will stay, cause its a bow,
so this one should, and should, have it as well.

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