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Messages - BloodAngel (129)

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Other / Re: Mark of Fire | Mark of Fire
« on: January 30, 2011, 01:35:28 pm »
if they are not stacked on your mark, can they be destroyed?
Yes they can,

for example, you have a  :life mark in your deck

then you draw an unupped life mark card (which will stack with your markt sign) nothing happens, its indestroyable.
but if you draw an upped life mark card (which won't stack with your mark) you can destroy it,
and if you draw a (un)upped mark card which doesn't have the same element as your mark in your deck, you can destroy them.

Crucible Archive / Re: Alchemy Circle | Magic Circle
« on: January 29, 2011, 11:34:41 am »
Woah! 2 to 6 costs? Haha, I don't think we're ready for a card which makes Shards be free after the first 6 :water, or have an instant Fractal or Miracle after a Spark or Photon Fractal Spam.

OP for now, I believe.
yeah, the upped is stackable, thats why the cost increased that much. I do think 4 :water should be enough..

but the things stated above, would be kinda OP indeed,

Buff This Card! / Re: Stone Dragon | Basalt Dragon
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:46:27 am »
Shriekers need to be buffed, they are to low of Hp for there Attack. The ruby dragon is 15/3 and it costs 12 :fire while the shrieker costs 8 :earth and its a 8/3. Both cards need to be buffed. I am personally not a fan of earth cards. But this card DOES need a buff.
Are you being serious? You're talking of 2 of the most powerful rush cards in the game.
Shriekers can be spawned easily by Graboids, and can also burrow if your opponent has too much CC. One of the fastest rushes in the game is the Graboid/Shrieker rush. Other of the fastests uses Ruby dragons (15|2 not 15|3), since you can deal a -ton- of damage, and most decks without CC will die, while those with CC will pray to draw any CC to stop that beast. With Immolations and Ruby Dragons, you can even achieve a 3 turn victory, which is too much, IMO.

Regarding Earth/Basalt Dragon, as it's said, its only problem is being overshadowed by Shriekers, so I don't see the point on buffing it.
When talking about Shriekers compared to the Ruby dragons you should make those 10|4 (upped, as is the Ruby)
Unupped they are 8|3 and 12|3

but ontopic, i don't see the point of buffing the  :earth Dragon, they are good enough..
And as been said many times before, only overshadowed by shriekers.

Crucible Archive / Re: Elemental Shackle | Elemental Shackle
« on: January 26, 2011, 09:27:20 pm »
as far as i know, i haven't made any cards  :P

but hey, thanks for answering my question  ;D

Crucible Archive / Re: Gorilla | Silverback Gorilla
« on: January 26, 2011, 09:23:51 pm »
looks better now ;D

En hee gast je bent NL

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Quantum Nullifier | Quantum Nullifier
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:26:34 pm »
This with devourers, gravity's black hole and some nightfall should do the trick, or with earthquake and devourers.
it would fit perfectly in a denial deck,
and to everyone who claims its op'd, its just a pain in the *ss for rainbows,
mono decks, like BP says, won't get hurt that much.

Tho, the fact that it's kinda cheap makes it playable quite fast for extreme rainbow denial, don't really like the idea of that...

Crucible Archive / Re: Gorilla | Silverback Gorilla
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:21:25 pm »
Yeah, for this moment I added two different abilities. I want to know from the community what seemed best.

Thanks for the feedback, now I want MOAR! :D
I also like the first ability more, just use PC for the second :-X
Just a small question, with skill you only mean skill? so the creature can still attack?

I can think of another card for the Furious Slam effect, since it has a much bigger impact on the game then Ground Slam. Besides it might not fit the Earth element?

As for your question, I was thinking about how Puffer fishes abilities change when upgraded and heared from several people they liked that. Let's see what others think!

For me it fits into life, first of all, i don't get why it should be earth?
And second, it just seams like :life to me, living in the jungle and tree stuff

Ps. Puffer fish is getting better (in most situations people like poison more as giving poison counters to creatures)

Crucible Archive / Re: Elemental Shackle | Elemental Shackle
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:07:42 pm »
just a really noobish question,
but because i lack the time to search the forum

how to support a cardidea?

Crucible Archive / Re: Dark Ranger | Dark Ranger
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:01:17 am »

I still don't understand what is the ranged skill...
Ranged is almost the same as airborne,
meaning the target can hit through wings,
however, if you web for example a pegasus, it looses its airborne and thus cannot hit through wings,
but if you web for example a flying eagle eye, it looses its airborne, but will remain 'ranged' (its a bow, shoots arrows, ya know :P) so can still attack the player, even if it has wings.
Ok, I get it. Thanks ;) I didn't know that about bows XD
A well, not everyone is gifted with the awesome gift of knowing stuff about bows? ::)
Just kiddin ofcouse

I don't know what's the point on putting  :life here.
its an elvish being? lives in the forrest, hides in the forests and stuff like that?

Issue Archive / Re: Check Top 50 (Not bug/problem/hack)
« on: January 24, 2011, 01:31:59 pm »
Thank god that there are farms what would I do without farms?
I still need 3 titans to have unbeatable pvp deck

bet i can beat it?

Issue Archive / Re: Check Top 50 (Not bug/problem/hack)
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:13:00 pm »
Essence is a well-known hacker, but because he's old-skool, we leave him around. :)
loll'ed at that one  :P

Ontopic, its a known bug when people get in the Top-50, some will be kind enough to put up farms, which usually contain rare cards, and making them more easy to obtain.

Crucible Archive / Re: Dark Ranger | Dark Ranger
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:11:22 pm »

I still don't understand what is the ranged skill...
Ranged is almost the same as airborne,
meaning the target can hit through wings,
however, if you web for example a pegasus, it looses its airborne and thus cannot hit through wings,
but if you web for example a flying eagle eye, it looses its airborne, but will remain 'ranged' (its a bow, shoots arrows, ya know :P) so can still attack the player, even if it has wings.

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