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Messages - Bigglesbee (5)

Pages: [1]
Rainbow Decks / Re: The Healbow - Speed Rainbow Healing at its Finest.
« on: March 23, 2011, 05:41:06 pm »
Try not to use the AI3 version on T50? :P
Ha, if anyone thought that was the case, I should probably make clear that I'm using the T50 version :P

When going against decks with Rewinds, play your cheap creatures first to bait the Rewinds, then play your more expensive ones.
As for that, I usually try that sort of strategy, but I either get run out of cards, or die before I can have enough creatures out to beat them.

Rainbow Decks / Re: The Healbow - Speed Rainbow Healing at its Finest.
« on: March 23, 2011, 03:18:09 pm »
I must be getting terrible draws or something. I literally cannot beat anyone but the farmer decks. I'm not some amazing player or anything, but I was using a different version of a rainbow speeddeck before and was winning about 50% of the time. I really like the concept of this deck, but I just must be ridiculously unlucky with it.

I seem to lose against shields, any reverse time stuff, anything that freezes, any kind of creature damage spells, those frog/cockatrice green decks, the decks that just add maximum hp and have miracles, those ray of light/hope shield decks, quintessence and/or phase dragon decks, Oty decks.

Is there a strategy with this deck I'm missing, perhaps? (Also just wanted to make sure I'm not coming off as a jerk or anything. I really appreciate the work put into making the decks for everyone to try out and all that, I'm just super confused :P).

Rainbow Decks / Re: The Healbow - Speed Rainbow Healing at its Finest.
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:49:00 am »
Hey guys,

How outdated is the TI50 version of this deck? I pretty much can't beat anything with it other than those farming decks. Am I just terribly unlucky, or has this deck been outdated?

Thanks :)

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Upgraded Shards Revert?
« on: February 09, 2011, 01:42:48 am »
Oh you know what? I think I was. Lol, thanks for the tip.

In-game Troubleshooting / Upgraded Shards Revert?
« on: February 09, 2011, 01:38:52 am »
Hey guys,

I'm new here and searched the forums but couldn't seem to find an answer. I upgraded a shard to a Shard of Gratitude, played with it for a few matches, then suddenly the next match I notice it reverted back to the unupgraded version.

Is this a thing that happens? What gives?

Thanks :).

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