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Messages - BiJay (13)

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General Discussion / Re: Highest damage on 1 turn
« on: December 30, 2009, 08:43:43 pm »
My highest poison count:

Weird deck he has. :D

General Discussion / Re: Life sucks
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:48:04 pm »
Fahrenheit (u)?

Is it that useful?
In a mono-fire deck it's definately very good.
Also, er... Life is a pretty good element.
He means the other "life"...

Rainbow Decks / Skillgannon's False God Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:01 pm »

Everyone is a bit into Fire Storm, but personally I don't like them that much.

Fire Storm against gods:
Seism - Useless unless you play 2 at once, but most of his creatures are burrowed... so mainly useless.
Morte - Can be useful, but you don't really need it.  It's just as easy to out Graveyard him.  Also, Fire Storm can potentially give him more creatures than before.
Incarnate - Not really needed.  The Graveyard effect could actually make you worse off.
Miracle - Usually pointless.
Fire Queen - Helps, but I don't really get overrun.  So I have time to eat her creatures and gain creature control.
Gravitron - It can be useful, since it allows you to eat his creatures immediately.  Though if you steal his shield his creatures can now attack you again.  There's many ways to counter this though.  Say for instance you do this: steal his shield, sacrifice one of your creatures to his otyugh (graveyard activates), and then TU his now 2/7 Otyugh.  You can now safely eat all of his creatures even if you never got your own Otyugh.  Since your running sundials it doesn't really matter if he uses momentum on his creatures.  There's a ton of ways to deal with him though, so Fire Storm isn't really necessary.
Scorpio - Useless.  Unless you use two then your going to get most of his creatures down to 1 life or 3 life.  You can auto-eat basically all of his creatures, so no point.
Chaos Lord - Useless.  You have food fodder early on.
Gemini - Any creature Gemini plays is either already Otyugh fodder or can't be killed by a Fire Storm.  Therefore Fire Storm is useless here (except if he TUs one of your creatures... but not hard to counter that).
Hermes - It can be useful here.  It's not needed however.  Even if you get an Otyugh out late you'll still have fodder ready.  Any creature that already became strong can be improved mutated until it can be eaten.
Rainbow - This guy plays so many creatures that Fire Storm doesn't really make a dent.  Usually you need two Fire Storms to take out most of his army too.  Again, Otyughs are the way to go.  Just pop out one... eat a few guys then TU it.  While your hiding behind your sundials or bone walls you can safely decimate his army.  Any creature that's too strong to be eaten can be improved mutated until it's safe to eat.  I'd suggest making sure that you can eat it THAT turn.  Rainbow uses all of the quantams... so don't give him a good creature.

Over-all:  Fire Storm is really only useful against potentially 6 gods.  Three of them commonly need you to use two fire storms in a row.  Using only one can potentially hurt you against Morte / Incarnate (take out bone wall... or some serious damage with Eclipse... pesky elite skeletons).  However, Fire Storm is not really needed against ANY god.  All gods can be safely handled if played correctly.

P.S.  Thanks Jellyfish for the picture.  It would have taken me a few days to get that done.  I do use upgraded sundials.  Time quantams are more important to me than Light.
Your argumentation seems a little bit naive as you often mention having an Otyugh online to eat his creatures. The problems with Otyugh are:
- You have only two of those in your deck.
- They can be killed/freezed/rewinded (yeah, it's true!).
- They can only eat one creature per turn (did you ever played against an army of skeles or FFQs?).

IMO Fire Storm is a nice addition as it often functions as a mass removal or at least as a spot removal or helper to get control of some enemy creatures. It can help you in many ways and thats what a good card is for.

Fire Storm isn't necessary but I think your deck needs more creature control.

Rainbow Decks / Smallest god farming deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

Only 7 Towers? Are you serious? :D


In a way, this kind of system would be more complicated to understand than what is in the game now.  However, it would hypothetically benefit from a concentrated structure and graphic scheme that can help flatten the learning curve, and it would reinforce the themes of elements and elemental marks which can assist players to develop positive play intuition.
You contradict yourself.

The problem with your suggestion is:
- It completely destroys the current balance.
- Mupltiple effects aren't possible anymore.

The second part would destroy the depth of the game which makes your suggestion unattractive for me.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Game mechanic suggestion: quantum caps
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:52 pm »

Bad suggestion. It just destroys the variety of decks. And as already said it makes the game harder to learn.


I had a bad losing streak of 10 games this morning. Very sad but this deck is very luck dependant and I had often only a few pillars in the start or just no shields in 10 or more cards. And the gods sometimes like to just bring 5 big monsters on the table in the first three turns. And Otyugh likes to eat this deck. Yeah, it may be so because most of my cards are not upgraded but I still tend to say most of the matches against the false gods are luck dependant.

The deck is still good because it has many answers to all the gods but it doesn't help if you don't draw the cards you need or don't get the quantums to play them. Your strategy is nearly the same as mine except I don't use Fallen Druid (can't afford the green quantums with unupgraded pillars and novas). Instead Maxwell's Demon helps me alot with big monsters in combination with Eagle's Eye (got it as a spin).

The only weakness beside the luck factor are Otyughs and Poison. Otyughs are insane if the god drops them early and pumps them. And poison is a real clock you can't stop with shields but only delay it with Miracle. Purify is just a dead card in 9 of 11 matchups and in the other 2 you won't draw them if you're as unlucky as me.

I didn't had so much problems with momentum as I could often use sundial in this matchup (I often hold them back for the late game here) until I can have fastbond with massive creatures or the lobotomize man online. And you can just steal the lobotomizer of him. ;)

« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

It's the same with Magic: The Gathering; there are tons of cards that allow the player to draw more cards during his turn, but you just wouldn't be able to use them if you didn't have any cards left in your library.
That's wrong. You can play spells or activated abilities if you have no cards in your library to draw a card. If the spell or ability resolves you lose the game. (I'm a magic pro player so you can trust me.)

Issue Archive / Rainbow Deck Out
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

I've heard this happening before. I dunno the cause.
I had that happening before. It's cause the gods draw two cards at once and the game only checks if there's no cards in the deck. If there are no cards in the deck he will lose but if there is at least one card in the deck the drawing will happen. If I remember correctly the god still got two cards so one must be the invisible card you sometimes get from other drawing abilities. To fix the -1 cards issue the god has to draw the cards seperately not at the same time or the game checks if the ability tries to draw more than one card.

Issue Archive / Random Generator
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

2) It is MUCH easier to spin cards at 3am (2am GMT) than it is the rest of the day. Usually at this time of night, I'll get 1-2 cards from every fight (False Gods are VERY profitable to fight), where the rest of the day, I'll often go 6 fights or so before I get a single card...
Uhm, are you serious? That sounds odd. :D


Congratulations for this nice achievement but it would be nice if you can share your decklist. :)

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

Just tested it in the trainer version, pretty good!

btw Does Sundial only work for one turn? Cause the god started attacking in the second turn after I played it. Or is it just bugged? :o

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