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Messages - Baritonium9 (16)

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The Arena / Re: how much(/many) electrum(s) do I get...
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:46:48 pm »
I've been getting 3 per win in Silver as well.  I got rank as good as ~30 and had no increase in electrum per win and little increase in plays.

General Discussion / Re: What would you choose...
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:51:31 am »
I have a deck idea but I need some more Titans. So atm I would choose Titan.  But in the long run, mark of fire could help with fire rushes :)

Forum Archive / Re: Join as an Apprentice
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:47:12 am »
I would like to be an apprentice!! I mostly would like to learn about pvp and other community involvement. My preferred time slot is 5, but 6 would work just as well.

Game Name: Baritonium9                                           :aether                                         :aether
Forum Name: Baritonium9                                                 :aether                           :aether
                                                                                                  :aether          :aether
Thanks for this opportunity, I think it's really neat!                          :aether

Introduce Yourself / What's up Elements Community?
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:30:53 am »
I started playing elements a couple years ago on Kongregate and thought it was awesome.  I started playing through the elementsthegame website instead of Kongregate and started farming FG and stuff and it was awesome.  This whole time I left a tab open in kongregate and decided to kill a FG to get the badge, but when I went to "my deck" it autosaved with the old information and erased hours worth of progress, so I gave up and quit playing.  I re-found it recently and remembered how much fun it is.  I've been playing again for a few weeks and am now determined to create a great arena deck.

I am planning on trying out the weekly tourneys and have considered joining WoE, if that is going on.  I've read a ton of topics on these forums, and you can expect my voice to be heard around here from now on.  It's nice to meet everyone, and I look forward to playing with you all!


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