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Messages - Astrocyte (258)

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Competitions / Re: Competition: Team Card Design PvP!
« on: May 01, 2011, 10:26:25 pm »
Thanks, Kuro. One more question... your Blitz system is set up to prevent any one person from spamming it, but is there really any way to prevent any one team from spamming? It seems like all anyone would really have to do to win Blitz is be available when Blitz opens, find teammates who can get online at the same time, and ping-pong cards back and forth until the list is empty. (Unless you've got, like, 500 card restriction ideas... and you might :) )

Competitions / Re: Competition: Team Card Design PvP!
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:02:36 pm »
Couple questions, Kuro:

- Are you providing the art for the cards, or will we need to find it ourselves (and of course follow established rules for proper citation, etc.)?
- Will the card requirements be somewhat comparable to those seen in the recent card design competition? (varying in difficulty/point value, of course)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Total design change!!
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:07:52 pm »
Props, Thalas. This is really nice-looking and would save some clicks.

General Discussion / Re: concepts and emotions
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:52:08 pm »
 :aether Energy / Aloofness
 :air Joy / Ignorance
 :darkness Calm / Concealment
 :death Order / Erasure
 :earth Dependability / Indifference
 :entropy Creativity / Indecision
 :fire Courage / Destruction
 :gravity Strength / Immobility
 :life Potential / Famine
 :light Acceptance / Blindness
 :time Regulation / Ruthlessness
 :water Steadfastness / Silence

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: What Plush Creature Would YOU Take?
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:39:37 pm »
I would snuggle a Leaf Dragon ALL DAY LONG.

Don't worry 918 I have a dirk of my own.
I can't be the only one who did a double take on this post

Music / Re: Video Game Music
« on: April 30, 2011, 05:18:32 pm »
Shadow Hearts -- the music from Neameto (the last "dungeon") was so awesome I didn't want to beat the game because I wanted to be able to come back to that piece of music.

IMO Shadow Hearts is also one of the most overlooked RPGs ever. Half the coolness is the setting, fantasy meets historical fiction -- the first game takes place in the runup to World War I, and the second game, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, takes place right after the war.

Wow, I had a superstar ninja named Violet in one of my FFT games! May your Violet be just as badass!

Monk - Shu Lien
Wizard - Li Mu Bai
Ninja - Shen Yu

Heh, stock names. One of my veteran units from my last Ogre Battle playthrough was headed by a monk named Peppermint.

Humor / Re: yoiu know you have to much homework when...
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:27:34 am »
Your teacher doesn't come to class from homework stress
One of my profs mentioned to our class once that she was considering canceling class to catch up on grading. (But, she was already teaching two classes and picked up the third at the last minute when another prof fell ill)

Quit the game. I've put in way too much time to ever want to do all of it AGAIN.

But if I were advising a new player, I'd tell them to:
1. Pick Fire
2. Donate $10-15 and get 2-3 SoGs
3. Focus all efforts on building Anti-Bolt
4. Grind AI5 with Anti-Bolt (+ SoGs) and focus on building Grabbix
5. Choose an upped FG deck they like and focus all farming (T50 or AI5, whatever) on making that deck
6. Presumably, grind FGs...

can't say for sure what to do next 'cause I'm still building an FG deck.

I am responding to your assertion that the mother should have no say in it whatsoever if the father is willing and able to provide for all her care plus a cash bonus.
So I can take from that that you assume abortion is an acceptable solution to the issue.
I suppose it would have to be, since the alternative is that all pregnant women are forced to carry all pregnancies to term, regardless of anyone's wishes.

In that case, why does the mother have the right to demand child support in the case that she wants the child and the father doesn't?
Because the American legal system is f@$%ked up?  ;D  Actually, because we have no system to legally qualify or quantify "intent to create a child" or "intent to raise a child."

In the OP, BluePriest actually mentioned some kind of legally binding agreement. I would seriously be in favor of this -- something specifically enumerating each side's rights and responsibilities re: monetary payment, time spent, access to the child, degree of involvement in life decisions regarding the child, etc. (there's already some precedent for this kind of thing in divorce and family law, broken as it may be).
Edit: I'd say it should be in place by the 20th week of gestation or so (early enough to cover any survivable premature births). It'd probably be hard to make a prior (presexual?) agreement that covered ALL possible circumstances.

Forum Archive / Re: RARE CARD FARMS - updated daily by the community!
« on: April 23, 2011, 04:33:41 pm »
Thanks again to all the T50 players willing to post farms for us noobs. I would definitely have quit the game by now if it wasn't for this.

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