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Messages - Astrocyte (258)

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Half Bloods / Re: Half-bloods Are they worth it now?
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:16:22 pm »
Half-bloods are worth it to me 'cause of my absurdly bad luck winning cards from FG spins!  :))

War Archive / Re: War #3 - Betting Discussion
« on: May 12, 2011, 01:28:55 pm »
Can there be a "loser prize" for someone who gets the bet exactly backwards?

PvP Tournaments / Re: Tournament Feedback
« on: May 12, 2011, 01:16:20 pm »
The tournaments normally shit an hour or 2 each week, but i dont know what the set times are, i just see when i have to join them
Need more fiber in your diet, yo.

Visual Arts / Re: Dancing
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:14:14 am »
My home culture doesn't value dancing (it was OK for girls to dance ballet or tap; it was "gay" for boys to dance at all) and my family wouldn't have had money for lessons anyway, so I took dance lessons for the first time at age 24: beginner modern dance lessons. I went for the full 6 months that the class ran and loved it.

And, uh, I used to play Dance Dance Revolution every day for my workout :D Can't do it anymore though, 'cause I messed up my knee.

I've dabbled in ballroom dancing and I'd love to do more... the most annoying part? My partner was on his college's ballroom dance team, and my best friend is a really good swing dancer and blues dancer. But my partner hasn't danced since college and we don't really have time to take lessons while I'm in grad school... and my best friend now lives 10 hours away.

I'm not good but I dance anyway. I make stuff up if I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Life's too short to not dance.

Politics / Re: The end is nigh: right wing majority in Canada!!!
« on: May 11, 2011, 01:20:32 pm »
Would anyone be willing to answer some questions about Canadian politics for an American just tuning in?

- Are the New Democrats significantly different from the Liberals?

- Is anyone mad or surprised that the Bloc Quebecois fared as badly as they did?

- Has Stephen Harper given any reason for buying more fighter jets? Does he want to start his own pet wars?

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: 2011 What is your Birthday
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:32:10 am »
April 2nd

UPDATE: I remade the spreadsheet.

- don't edit the spreadsheet if you don't know what you're doing
- alphabetize when you add a name to the sheet
- do not worry about a "strategy" column, decks change from day to day and hour to hour
- don't edit the spreadsheet if you don't know what you're doing
- don't mark a deck as "Safe" when it's not
- if you ever find that you've accidentally deleted the entire spreadsheet, hit Ctrl+Z until it looks normalish again
- don't edit the spreadsheet if you don't know what you're doing  :D

Um, who erased the farm list?

If SG or someone else is making a bigger/better/awesomer list -- thanks, you rule.

Religion / Re: Does anyone have a strong argument against God?
« on: May 09, 2011, 02:12:25 am »
-- God has a plan. He hasn't told you the plan because you wouldn't understand, or because your knowing the plan might inherently defeat the plan, or simply because it's not your place to know the plan. You must have faith that the plan is ultimately beneficial to you.
-- God allows these events to happen to test the faithful. He's watching to see what you do in the face of such bad things.
-- God allows these events to happen to punish the faithful. If the faithful were more faithful, they wouldn't happen.
-- You don't need to worry about it, God doesn't let these things happen to the faithful. If they do happen, he'll fix it soon, or they're blessings in disguise.
-- What are you doing sitting around while others claim your God isn't real? Go get 'em! (where "get" can mean "convert," "kill," or "threaten to kill if they don't convert")
The first reason is the only one that is not completely ignorant/contrary to Scripture.
Of course, Christians who agree with points other than the first would argue that your understanding of scripture is incorrect!

(For what it's worth, these are not necessarily specific references to Christian doctrine. I have heard each of the above from followers of at least two different religions.)

Religion / Re: Does anyone have a strong argument against God?
« on: May 08, 2011, 05:04:32 am »
While i do not have any particular strong argument against god, i do have a pretty overused one:

WHY, why is, and was, so much war, hate, and so on, if there really is a supreme benevolent deity that watches over all the Universe, and particularly the earth, why doesn't it do ANYTHING? Aren't most of the wars because, while most people agree on the existance of a supreme being, they don't agree on what exactly might his/hers/its name is? Shouldn't God then just poof over into everybody's house and say "my name is *such*, you can now stop every war, and so on, about me. stop hating everybody, too."
Some responses (varying widely by religion and sects within religions) I've heard are:
-- God has a plan. He hasn't told you the plan because you wouldn't understand, or because your knowing the plan might inherently defeat the plan, or simply because it's not your place to know the plan. You must have faith that the plan is ultimately beneficial to you.
-- God allows these events to happen to test the faithful. He's watching to see what you do in the face of such bad things.
-- God allows these events to happen to punish the faithful. If the faithful were more faithful, they wouldn't happen.
-- You don't need to worry about it, God doesn't let these things happen to the faithful. If they do happen, he'll fix it soon, or they're blessings in disguise.
-- What are you doing sitting around while others claim your God isn't real? Go get 'em! (where "get" can mean "convert," "kill," or "threaten to kill if they don't convert")

I'm sure there are others, this is just off the top of my head at 1 AM.

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: Invasion
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:45:00 pm »
Defenders cannot use upped cards* and any of these cards:
Do you mean "Defenders cannot use upped cards, and can use any of these cards" ?

Or "Defenders cannot use upped cards and cannot use any of these cards" ?

Books & Comics / Re: Favourite Books of All Time
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:23:32 pm »
I don't have a favorite book per say, but definitely a favorite series.

Discworld Series
There's multiple storylines, and they're such great reads.
Truth! They're really funny, and you don't have to read them in order -- there's not an overarching plot.

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