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Messages - Astrocyte (258)

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Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: Spice of Life
« on: June 11, 2011, 12:47:46 am »
Some of those are herbs and vegetables, but that's OK  :D

The rules say you can only use on-element cards in up to 3 decks, but the example indicates that you can only use them in 2. Which one were you going for?

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Horray for me! (New job)
« on: June 10, 2011, 02:25:43 am »
Awesome! Congrats! A new job is always something to celebrate, and a new good job even more so!

Movies & TV / Re: Comic Book Movies
« on: June 10, 2011, 01:54:35 am »
Sin City is my favorite comic book movie, hands down! I could watch that movie a million times, it was just so freaking well done. Shame that it went to Robert Rodriguez's head, though.

And Bootsza speaks truth about Iron Man and Batman Begins!

Men in Black. (Didn't know it was a comic book movie? Surprise :) ) Yeah, it's a silly action flick, but it's a really fun silly action flick. Great summer movie.

I wish I could say A History of Violence, but the weird ending and that terrible child actress they got to play the daughter ruined it for me.

If Transmetropolitan or Preacher ever makes it to film somehow, I will be one of those nerds waiting in line in costume at 11:00 PM Thursday night. Mark my words.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Daily Quests
« on: June 10, 2011, 01:46:07 am »
Zanzarino said at one point that he would eventually like to implement Daily Quests. What ideas for Daily Quests do you guys have? What kinds of cash, cards, or score rewards would you like to see?

Maybe win streaks or time trials for cash? Bonus :electrum if you beat a certain level of AI a certain number of times in a row, or win a certain number of games against that AI within a time limit.

I'd like to see some really hard daily quests that give you the chance to win rares, too.

(agentflare ninja'd while I was writing this, but I'll post anyway)

Just wanted to point out one more reason that more people might be playing Tyrant than ETG.

Tyrant feels like you're playing a fun game and accomplishing things from the beginning. It gives you at least some feeling of progress to motivate you to keep playing.

I've been playing ETG for months and it's starting to feel a lot less like a fun game and a lot more like a loyalty test: If I KEEP grinding the same opponents with the same couple of decks (which stopped being fun a while ago), then I'll EVENTUALLY be able to fully participate in the fun "real game" -- tournaments and leagues and PvP events. And there's no rewards and nothing fun to do in the meantime -- not even playing with deckbuilding, because you need to pick one deck and stick with it for a long time to be successful -- and why risk money/score/having to start all over from building and testing your own deck, when there's a whole forum of other people's rigorously tested decks to pick from? (And how is a noob supposed to find the trainer without the forums, anyway?)

If wanting my game to be fun for the majority of the time I'm playing it means I don't "have the right" to "call myself a gamer," and wanting more rewards (or at least some feedback!) for sitting on my @#$ clicking buttons makes me "lazy," then some people on this forum really need to get out more.

Tech Talk / Re: the internet debate
« on: June 08, 2011, 11:17:06 pm »
Chrome. Got tired of Firefox 4's inexplicable crashes, and a lot of websites I go to don't play well with it.

Politics / Re: Question about Italian politics
« on: June 06, 2011, 11:48:24 pm »
but I often find myself cornered in a situation where "but that's what you say!" is the only answer I'm given, no matter how much evidence I bring.
I assure you this isn't unique to politics, or Italy, or you.  ;)  There always people who will believe only in what they want to be true, no matter how much evidence they have to the contrary.

As for "doing more," I feel the only things you CAN do beyond staying informed and being willing to patiently share your perspectives and knowledge with people are:
- donate to causes and people you believe in
- give your time and energy to working for causes or people you believe in
- attain ridiculous wealth, and then create a cause or become a person for others to believe in

Politics / Re: Question about Italian politics
« on: June 05, 2011, 07:38:43 pm »
WOW! Thank you, Mormegil! Your post was very informative. It's interesting to see what different cultures value in a leader and what behaviors are permitted or expected in politicians, and those things are hard to understand without a person from that culture explaining them.

I'm pretty impressed with how easily he was able to change laws to stop court proceedings involving him, and then publicly discuss how these laws are great and make Italy a better place. But, when you're a billionaire and you own more than half the media, I guess it'd be easy to get away with...

Politics / Question about Italian politics
« on: June 05, 2011, 05:00:20 am »
Disclaimer: I am an American, and the large majority of my news about Italy comes from British sources -- the BBC News website, and The Economist. Please forgive my questions if they are ignorant.

My question, for anyone who knows more about Italian politics than I do: How does Silvio Berlusconi stay in office?

Do most Italians like him? If they don't, are the other choices so bad that he looks good by comparison?

Does his business holdings allow him to influence what the media says about him?

And the British media seem to think that he talks about Communists a lot. Does he?

Philosophy / Re: for and against free will
« on: June 05, 2011, 04:32:17 am »
I'm generally for "Free Will," it's a pretty good song. But "Limelight" is actually my favorite. So if they were in competition, I guess I'd be against "Free Will."

Competitions / Re: MS Paint Cards #4
« on: June 04, 2011, 02:59:23 pm »
Sevs, I have no idea what you're going for, but the Fourth of July is my favorite holiday, so I really like the red white and blue fireworks!

Philosophy / Re: "Life is not fair. Deal with it."
« on: June 03, 2011, 12:27:08 am »
Cave Johnson in Portal 2 tells you exactly what to do when life gives you lemons...

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