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Messages - Arondight (715)

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I agree that it is pretty powerful, I just wanted to put the idea out there just in case it can be picked up and modified to be of some use.  :) But, it would make some sense if it was a rare that you could get from the oracle or something, I think. I don't know, I just personally feel that light lacks a place in Elements.

Issue Archive / Re: Burrow and Antimatter
« on: April 02, 2010, 10:44:53 am »
Weird, the Deja Vu's that are copied on my games haven't been getting antimatter. Well, I'll check again when I find paradox.

As for Burrow and Antimatter, I know it can go either way, but the description of Burrow made me wonder if it was intended.

"Can not be targeted, but its damage is halved"

So, if it's not damaging, is it supposed to be halved?

Issue Archive / Re: Burrow and Antimatter
« on: April 02, 2010, 08:21:26 am »
Also on the subject of Antimatter: It is not transferred to a creature that has used De Ja Vu. Bug? Used it on Paradox.

It was hilarious because it was pretty convincing if you didn't know better. Good job, Scaredgirl!

Not to mention the Red Herring with the Holy Cow, very clever.

Archived Decks / Re: Fortress of Solitude
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:17:59 am »
I do wonder about that; a few times, Obliterator didn't play any Pulverizers for the whole game when I had two steals in my hand when the game started.  :))

Issue Archive / Burrow and Antimatter
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:27:55 am »
Burrow's effect is to reduce the creatures damage by half in order to reach that status, right? I think it's a bug to reduce the "healing" by half when creatures that have been affected by Antimatter burrow.

Issue Archive / Re: Lobotomize and Butterfly Effect
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:08:35 am »
Yeah, I have to agree there. When you mutate, it depends if the creature is already out of "summoning sickness" before you can use it's ability. Deja Vu is pretty much a summon, so the other Deja Vu can't use any additional skills. Hatch, once again is treated as a summon. And they've been like that for a long while, now.  :) Destiny would be so scary, though, if those eggs didn't have summoning sickness, as Destiny has brought innumerous Nymphs to the field against me.   :o

I'm saying Luciferin and Light Nymph have very limited usage. In what cases would one actually want to use Luciferin? What's that have to do with my Seraphim idea? And I'm not sure if you're talking about Hope there, when I was talking about Luciferin and Light Nymph. But, Hope seems a bit limited to me, personally. When I've tried out unupgraded FFQ and Hope, I usually beat my opponents at the exact time I could get Hope on board. Thus, Hope didn't do much for that deck. For Fractal, Ray of Light, and Hope, it's easier to bring out Hope, but it's way too fragile keeping so many Ray of Lights on the field, as there are many cards that could control your creatures.

As for Otyughs, they rarely ever can reach "Godzilla" mode unless you're the one using the Otyugh against an FG. They can do decent damage, but I think they're mostly creature control with a benefit of damage in other cases such as PvP.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Card suggestions (weapon synergy, etc.)
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:18:32 pm »
Added some more ideas, once again I'll add more when I have time.  :)

Death / Re: In Development: Mummy / Elite Mummy
« on: April 01, 2010, 08:38:36 pm »
the mummy should be more useful on its own. It would be a lot more diverse, if it had some kind of ability or skill. As it is, it is pretty pathetic, dies to any bolt or Snipe, a small drain life, and eaten by anything other than a newborn otygh.

He should have a curse, or rot or something. I do get that he gets bigger from eclipse. but really, it would be good it he had a pure death ability. I guess darkness could work. maybe he gets Plague as a use ability instead of a sacrifice ability.

Maybe  :death :death :death Plague ?

that way, he can be use in a MonoDeath, and still be pretty powerful, and the Pharoah thing would be secondary to that deck, likely only to occur vs an AI5, or FG.
That would be pretty darn powerful for a common card you can obtain from the Bazaar.  ;) I think it works fine as is; it's really good. Pretty much an annoyance to people who use Rewinds or Eternities, while having decent stats nigh short of one attack compared to the new Flesh Recluse? Pretty versatile. Besides, Mono-death has the almighty Aflatoxin to fill creature spaces.

Water / Re: Toadfish / Puffer Fish
« on: April 01, 2010, 08:32:50 pm »
I think the cost for both the upgraded and unupgraded versions are maybe 1 :water too high. The unupgraded version is supposed to work as control, but it takes a tiny while to take out to work. Although, thinking about it again, maybe that's intentional to keep Parasites unique. I still think the upgraded version is a bit too expensive of a cost.

Water / Re: Flooding / Inundation
« on: April 01, 2010, 08:27:45 pm »
I like the card and I don't think it's overpowered. If anything, it's very situational and vulnerable in my view. Not many decks win by spamming loads of creatures. Even then, the creatures are still able to attack before they die.

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