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Messages - Arondight (715)

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General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:28:14 am »
Auburn Nymph number four today.  :) GO Earth PLANET!

Air / Re: Wings | Wings
« on: July 09, 2010, 09:42:07 pm »
First, thanks for your patronization. I already had sufficient cards and upgrades to test it out against both AI and people. The main part was against "people." It was all for the testing of the card in terms of how well it would actually perform, you're simply missing the real point of the post.

Anvil Archive / Re: Necromancer | Abyssal Necromancer
« on: July 09, 2010, 09:31:31 pm »
I wouldn't say it's an "easy swarmer" because The max you can have out is 3 (With one Necromancer) before one dies. I like this change and I agree it's an improvement.

I can have every card upgraded like the Mizz. Wait while I sell my unupgraded cards to the bazaar..


Are you going on a Nymph quest, now?

Issue Archive / Re: Airborne-Web-Duplicating
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:37:32 am »
I've had the same bug as well.

Humor / Re: Worst combo EVER
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:34:51 am »
When a Puffer Fish actually has legs....
Did someone mention a fish with limbs ?

Air / Re: Wings | Wings
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:28:35 am »
After testing it out and losing lots and lots of score against people and AI. I have to again say that I think it should be Immaterial and agree with the rest saying that it needs to be. Too much of a weaker version Phase Shield. Even if you have spiders on the field, attacks still go through before you might be able to web them. "Might" because they're so squishy.

Anvil Archive / Re: Dual Shield | Dual Buckler
« on: July 08, 2010, 06:10:44 am »
Of course adding more cards is a risk, but that does not mean you have to add six copies of each to pull it off. Unless you're making an anti FG deck, sure, you need the full combo against those ruthless AIs. But as for PvP and so forth, not everyone has permanent control, and that is what makes the combo more and more viable for usage. You don't need to overfill on Protect Artifacts, maybe only carry two in a deck. All in all, it would amount to about 2 PAs, 2/3 Gravity Shields, and 2/3 Diamond Shields and you're pretty much set for a casual battle. You don't need much Gravity Shields, you could even just have a Gravity Mark! When you don't even draw the right shields, you could probably just do double Diamond Shields as you will have many Earth Towers to spare for the job. For the rest of the deck space, that goes to your preference on how you play.
I only added 6 cards based on the combo, You didn't comment on the fact that a lot of creatures can get through the combo. In PvP lots of decks have perm control especially the ones who are made for killing gods. You never know how many towers you're gonna get and 24 :earth quanta is a hefty price, without your mark. The rest of the deck probably needs damage Chargers/Shriekers would be good but kind of Expensive. Plus the entire combo is canceled by one, not so rare in PvP card, Momentum.
Well, let's see, there's only one Element that holds capabilities to get through shields.. other than Entropy getting through shields by Antimatter and the randomness of mutations and even perhaps lucky Fate Eggs. Any kind of deck would have it's weaknesses, I'm not trying to cover up the weaknesses to this card or it's combos, but isn't it a fact that all shields are already rendered useless by Momentum? Why bring up an already existing weakness that is set before your idea (which has been suggested before) came to be? Bad pairings in PvP happens quite frequently, some decks just decimate others and lose to others even if both sides played very well. The best you can do is make a deck well rounded to deal with as much things that arises.

I just think that this card needs more weaknesses, because it has a lot of potential to be too powerful. Besides, I also noticed the card cost was 8 :earth upgraded the last time I saw it, which was partially why I suggested a nerf in the first place.

Crucible Archive / Re: Divine Icon | Divine Icon
« on: July 08, 2010, 05:44:14 am »
"When this card is on the field, Blessing also immortalizes the targeted creature"?
So the target creature is no longer Immortal if Divine Icon dies? But you would probably Immortalize Divine Icon itself first, so I don't think this changes things much.
Nope, the target will remain Immortal because I was thinking that the Icon would only enhance your Blessings cast while on the field, not keep creatures immortal. I think it would be a good way to combo Blessings and hit it (most viable target is a Pegasus) with an Enhanced Blessing for a last chain in the combo. Of course, that deals with holding the Icon in your hand until you need the more powerful form of blessing.

Anvil Archive / Re: Dual Shield | Dual Buckler
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:43:06 am »
Of course adding more cards is a risk, but that does not mean you have to add six copies of each to pull it off. Unless you're making an anti FG deck, sure, you need the full combo against those ruthless AIs. But as for PvP and so forth, not everyone has permanent control, and that is what makes the combo more and more viable for usage. You don't need to overfill on Protect Artifacts, maybe only carry two in a deck. All in all, it would amount to about 2 PAs, 2/3 Gravity Shields, and 2/3 Diamond Shields and you're pretty much set for a casual battle. You don't need much Gravity Shields, you could even just have a Gravity Mark! When you don't even draw the right shields, you could probably just do double Diamond Shields as you will have many Earth Towers to spare for the job. For the rest of the deck space, that goes to your preference on how you play.

Edit: If you want to argue about my opinion on what I see as amazing or not, feel free to do so. :) Arguing about how I like things is all fine and dandy.

Crucible Archive / Re: Poison Trap | Death Trap
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:37:11 am »
Like stated above, interesting mechanic, but not much is brought into the game with that. There's always Spine Carapace, which does the job and then some.

But if this card also stopped the attack of the creature affected when not reset, I would say this is great.

Crucible Archive / Re: Divine Icon | Divine Icon
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:31:30 am »
You stole this from JohnSolaris.. you.. you, you!! You, JohnSolaris, you!

Since Light hardly sees play, I would agree to this, but I think it's still a bit too powerful.

How about..

"When this card is on the field, Blessing also immortalizes the targeted creature"?

Edit: Ugh, I try to make Light too introverted all the time subconsciously. :-X

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