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Messages - Arondight (715)

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Darkness / Re: Voodoo Doll
« on: July 15, 2010, 02:40:36 am »
Ah, I was just wondering if healing/increasing the HP of the Voodoo doll would heal your opponent as well. Since there's the whole thing with negative damage in Entropy.

Level 4 - Reliquary / Re: Puppet | Voodoo Doll
« on: July 15, 2010, 02:38:36 am »
Not trying to hijack the thread or anything, but a variation that converts Healing into Damage sounds great.

Darkness / Re: Voodoo Doll
« on: July 15, 2010, 02:26:52 am »
I'm quite sure about creamation and freeze+shockwave won't deal any damage
a number will appear on the creatures when damage dealt but they will not cause it
they are instant kill effects
people talking about creamation is because of the original card idea of assassim

also thunderstorm can't damage your own creatures, so don't mention these cards anymore
Any effect that kills Voodoo doll immediately (i.e. Devour, Immolation) will cause the opponent to take Voodoo Doll's current hp in damage. Zanz said so.
That's a bit scary. I already planned to have fun with this card and my Earth Nymphs, but it sounds like it may be too powerful with Basilisk Blood and Cremation. Although.. setting a Voodoo doll that is linked to your opponent on fire is awesome.

Forge Archive / Re: Ascendance | Ascendance
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:51:44 pm »
This is interesting. I particularly like how it Congeals the creature when it buffs it, but consuming all Air quanta seems a bit much. Seem being the keyword.

I like it.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.24
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:31:54 pm »
Great, neh? We were needing some ways to make FG harder, beyond nerf the cards people usually use against them, dont you think? Look at Scorpio, it just got another free buff on their fishes. Too easy he was, I bet.

Sometimes I wonder if Zanz plays its own game. Looks like the addition of frustrating experiences will never end. Better just farm AI3, lol.
Like Yoda, you talk.

But, I think it's more because of Pufferfish hardly being used. Although, a  tougher Scorpio sounds like a more fun Scorpio.  :) Totally blocking his Pufferfish with his own shield is too funny..

Time / Re: Dune Scorpion | Dune Scorpion
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:18:39 pm »
I have agree with PuppyChow. That was pretty much the same conclusion I came to after testing. Seems too powerful, but requires quite a lot of cards to work very successfully. and I'm not just saying that because I want to mess up people's hands..  :)

Darkness / Re: Voodoo Doll
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:13:56 pm »

This card was inspired by Assassim's creature idea, Puppet | Voodoo Doll (,6321.0.html). Discuss.
The only thing like Assassim's card is the name.
The rest is almost exactly like my debuff idea (,5773.0#msg74884). I wonder if it had any influence on the card.  :)

The main thing I'm curious is about is if infection would work with the doll's ability.  :-X

Death / Re: Deathstalker | Deathstalker
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:07:55 pm »
Somewhat agree that it's a bit weak. Either giving it one attack or increasing the poison to 3 counters per attack would be nice. Both Death and Water were the sole poison dealers before these card ideas came about and since Pufferfish is getting a buff, it's not a bad idea to buff up this card a tiny bit. I've tested it and it can't really do speed, but it definitely works well in drawn out games. Drawn out games were pretty much utilizing Vampires with this Scorpion in my case.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.24
« on: July 13, 2010, 11:20:18 pm »
I like the Pufferfish buff quite a lot. I just wasn't really satisfied with a 5 :water creature that is easily blockable and digestible. I just always opted to make more Death based poison decks because of that. But, if the buff stays, I'll definitely will be using more water based decks more often.

Humor / Re: I love dogs, hate cats
« on: July 13, 2010, 11:11:14 pm »
Not because they are fierce or anything, I like Dobermans (
) because they can have great temperament and naturally protect things (like your children). For Pitbulls, their fierce nature towards humans was pretty much bred out because they were killed if they ever bit a person in the past. I really like how gentle and energetic they are, even though they now have the bad reputation that Dobermans had in the past.

Time / Re: Dune Scorpion | Dune Scorpion
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:39:26 pm »
Even if you had six of them, you would also need six cards and two different kinds of quanta to buff them up for attack.

Anvil Archive / Re: Necromancer | Abyssal Necromancer
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:37:14 pm »
Poison would damage the Ghoul on each attack, so I don't think Adrenaline would matter much.

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