Patch Notes and Development News / Re: New art for towers/pillars
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:01:17 am »
I voted for:
Entropy 2: My favorite remake and the first on the list.
Death 2: Really liking it. Partially because purple is my favorite color and because it really looks like it belongs in "Death."
Gravity 2: The clouds and background in the old one aren't that pleasant to look at for me. This remake looks fairly similar and okay, but with different colors and some kind of gravitational barrier, I assume.
Earth 1: The new one just doesn't pop for me. I might also think it looks like something else other than a pillar....
Life 1: The remake doesn't really look like a pillar to me. The green thing wrapping around it just looks strange.
Fire 1: The new one doesn't look like a pillar as well. It looks more like an ember.
Water 2: Really like the effect of how the water is taking shape and sustaining itself.
Light 2: Not much I can say about this one. The green-blue-ish tint would not of made sense if I didn't already know why the sky is blue. Great color scheme.
Air 2: The impression I get by the new pillar art is that it's made of clouds and is producing more of them. I like it.
Darkness 3: Dark, gloomy, and it looks like it's sucking up everything around it to sustain itself.
Aether 1: The art remake doesn't make me think of aether, nor does it remind me of a pillar. What is going on here?
Entropy 2: My favorite remake and the first on the list.
Death 2: Really liking it. Partially because purple is my favorite color and because it really looks like it belongs in "Death."
Gravity 2: The clouds and background in the old one aren't that pleasant to look at for me. This remake looks fairly similar and okay, but with different colors and some kind of gravitational barrier, I assume.
Earth 1: The new one just doesn't pop for me. I might also think it looks like something else other than a pillar....
Life 1: The remake doesn't really look like a pillar to me. The green thing wrapping around it just looks strange.
Fire 1: The new one doesn't look like a pillar as well. It looks more like an ember.
Water 2: Really like the effect of how the water is taking shape and sustaining itself.
Light 2: Not much I can say about this one. The green-blue-ish tint would not of made sense if I didn't already know why the sky is blue. Great color scheme.
Air 2: The impression I get by the new pillar art is that it's made of clouds and is producing more of them. I like it.
Darkness 3: Dark, gloomy, and it looks like it's sucking up everything around it to sustain itself.
Aether 1: The art remake doesn't make me think of aether, nor does it remind me of a pillar. What is going on here?