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Messages - Arondight (715)

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 60
Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Kael's Hate | Kael's Hate
« on: July 22, 2010, 02:38:51 pm »
I like the concept, but it literally shuts down decks (Hope in particular). Not only that, even if it doesn't completely shut down a deck, it would probably do well against many others as welll. So, with the cheap cost and Darkness already having Devourers and Vampires for stalling, I believe it's overpowered.
When saying this you do realise that Ray'of'light pays for itself?
Yes, I do. Get this out before Hope, no Light Dragons and no Hope. Get two of your cards out, no Ray of Lights, no Hope, and no Light Dragons.

Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Kael's Hate | Kael's Hate
« on: July 22, 2010, 02:30:30 pm »
I like the concept, but it literally shuts down decks (Hope in particular). Not only that, even if it doesn't completely shut down a deck, it would probably do well against many others as welll. So, with the cheap cost and Darkness already having Devourers and Vampires for stalling, I believe it's overpowered.

Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Essence | Essence
« on: July 22, 2010, 10:58:13 am »
Probably would be too powerful if you can target your opponent's quanta pools; Not against a real person, but against FGs. It's a relatively cheap card, all you need to really do is stall and have a secured win. Even if stalling eats up essential time in one's life. :'( But, it might be too situational for that to happen. Other than that, I like it.

Anvil Archive / Re: Commission | Crusade
« on: July 22, 2010, 10:45:42 am »
;) Well, it is not that I was complaining or anything. I just simply do not like shoving in religious context into the game like that. Sure, there are some hints of religion and mythology with FGs like Hermes and cards like Anubis, but those FGs and cards do not deal with colliding because of belief or religion. Elements already have their opposites, but if it was because of in game religious nature.. then that would be sort of silly.

General Discussion / Re: I'm awesome! I have 12 of every card!
« on: July 21, 2010, 06:30:03 pm »
Congrats, CB! How does it feel? :)

Darkness / Re: Voodoo Doll
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:11:12 pm »
It seems deadly, but it really isn't. I got some time to test the card yesterday and I was pretty much struggling to try and make a game breaking deck with it. Voodoo Doll holds many uses, but that is also what keeps it from being too powerful, you just need many cards to make it shine; however, using too many cards also hinders your reaction to a multitude of decks. I'll need conduct more tests sometime, though..

Humor / Re: I love dogs, hate cats
« on: July 21, 2010, 12:10:47 pm »
More beautiful dogs (

Darkness / Re: Voodoo Doll
« on: July 20, 2010, 01:29:10 pm »
Lobo removes gravity pull, so your creature damage is not reflected. You can safely ignore the opponent's dolls. If you got an anubis or other quint on a stick, you can even quint them so the opponent cannot screw you via the dolls.
No, it doesn't.

Instead of reactionary spells, why not just add some spells or permanents that make things cost more or trigger counter measures automatically? There was a thread about "trap cards" before, my suggestion there was to require a price (Like 3 random quanta) to to place any card face down (To add on to the surprise factor, minus the mark and pillars you're using) and then having to pay another price (whenever possible) for the effect to activate automatically when your opponent meets the trap card's requirements?

Humor / Re: One of our members is a hacker!!!
« on: July 20, 2010, 09:35:05 am »
I always lol, when I see peoples posts of a revelation of what happened here.
I hope [you] has an epiphany that changes [you]'s life for the better... One cannot live on like that.

It doesn't need a nerf.. Fractaling Squids is just annoying, not deadly.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New card type: Planes!
« on: July 20, 2010, 09:29:24 am »
I prefer planes to be an area in an Elements minimap which I hope will happen in this game's future.

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