« on: June 16, 2010, 01:07:14 am »
I totally agree; there's a LOT of inconsistency. It makes the game very difficult to experiment with. This is a much more serious problem when the bazaar imposes a penalty on trying out cards. Some examples:
* Graviton Fire Eater, Fire Spirit, and Forest Spirit have abilities to "gain +2/+2"; Gargoyle, "gain +0/+20". Other than differences in cost and numbers, these abilities are worded exactly the same, yet the ability of just one of these creatures has a one-use limit.
* A few cards use the text, "each 10 [type of quantum] quantums in your possession." When exactly this figure is checked, and the math altogether, is ambiguous. Currently, one can play the spell, watch their quanta level drop to "8", wait a second, and then, knowing that there are zero groups of size 10 in 8, choose a target and watch their card counter-intuitively hit twice.
* If a Fire Spirit can "gain +2/+2" multiple times, multiple copies of Nightfall should apply a "gain +1/+1" to my Vampire once per copy, right? Apparently, the real rules behind this card and Eclipse are sufficiently obfuscated that the wiki devotes a large paragraph explaining what happens when multiple instances are in play. At that point, the card's body text ought to simply read, "Consult Elementswiki.co.cc for details."
* Why does Boneyard not specify "non-Skeleton creature" or something?
* And many more...
I'm not saying the game should change to conform to the cards' texts; it's a very good thing my Gargoyle-Momentum combo failed for the sake of balance. What I'm saying is that the text reflect what the cards actually do. You know, like every other game in existence.