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Messages - Aonwa (56)

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Multilingual / Re: Questions about English?
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:36:56 am »
When you say "coins," do you mean "corners" ?
Hmmm... yes, corners :D sry xD in french the word is "coin" ... it's why ... yeah, I was tired ...  ^-^

Multilingual / Re: Questions about English?
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:34:27 pm »
Yeah, "read" in past is annoying ... I put "(ed)" to mention that's in the past ... ;)

Do you mean: "I'm not sure if I understand the word, because I've only seen it a few times" ?
Yes, that's I was trying to say  :))

lol @your T-shirt xD (But what was the Kanji ? :P)

The read pronounced like red ... make me remember something ; in Japan when a japenese asked me if i have already eat something (don't remember about what we were speaking), I answered "I ate it" ... and of course he understood "I hate it", LOL !  :))

It's true, I assumed Japanese because of the name and the mention of Tokyo in your profile. Pardon!
np ! haine-paix ! (a home-made french joke, sounds exactly as "np" in french prononciation, and mean "hate-peace", lol !)
Aonwa is not a word in japanese nor any other language ! It's something between french and japense : in france we don't have qwerty keyboard : we have azerty ones, and the M is under the P (not near the N). Then, if we take A O N W A, we make a circle on the keyboard, going on the 4 coins of it (hmm..ok there is the P, but the P is a bit too far and deform too much the circle).
Also in Japanese, Hiragana/Katakana tables we can make a circle with the 4 coins, crossing successively A O N WA !! Awesome isn't it ? :D

Introduce Yourself / Re: Help me :(
« on: July 19, 2011, 06:13:16 pm »
Hello ! :)
Have you already played at Magic the Gathering ? or this system of card game is totally new for you ?

The fact is you have 100hp, the opponent too. You have to kill your opponent (100 to 0hp) before he kills you !
For that aim, you have creatures that hit him each turn, spells with specifics effects, and permanents.
Read each card before use it, to know exactly what is going on.
And then step by step, game by game, you will increase your knowlege about this game and then your winrate :P

Thanks, i have figured it out pretty well now and won like 30 PvP's in a row haha not much but a start

I'm happy that you found you way :)

Multilingual / Re: Questions about English?
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:39:05 pm »
Thxxxxxxxx !!!
I understand now !! yeah, i fully understand ; almost same construction as french, i just didn't knew that nor was "ni" in french. With your heavy lesson (thx for that work xD), now I understand very well. I also discovered "either" and "neither" ; I can't understand how these 2 words avoided me from all these years that I past on internet by reading/writing english words. And sure, if I didn't know "neither" how was I able to fully understand "nor" ?  :)) So, now that thing is fixed, Thanks you so much Astrocyte. :)

The good news is that "nor" is not a common word in English. A lot of English speakers avoid it because they don't know how to use it! :)) It is formal and sounds "old-fashioned" (it sounds like a word people used a very long time ago). Most people do not use it when they talk. People sometimes use it when they write, or when they talk in formal situations.
Yeah, I read(ed) some things with nor :

But I didn't saw that word as much I needed to know if I'm correct or totally wrong !
But I didn't saw that word as much I need to know if I'm correct or totally wrong!
I am sorry, but I did not understand the orange part.
I would use "need" instead of "needed" here, because "needed" would mean that it happened in the past. If you say "needed to know," we don't know if you still need to know, or if you don't need anything now.
the orange part ... maybe this try will be correct :
"But I didn't read this word as much I needed, to be able to know if I'm correct or totally wrong!"
sorry... it changes the sentence's sense :-X

Also, in English there is no space before an exclamation point or a question mark. But do not worry very much about this. I know this is normal for Japanese, and your English still makes sense if you have the space.
I'm not japanese :P I'm french, but, yes, in my profile there is japan ... Cause I discovered the game and suscribed to the forum while I was in Tokyo. :P (I should fix that, maybe :P)

So, could you light me?
This is not a normal way to use "light" -- but it does sound very poetic!  You might have been thinking of "enlighten," which would be correct. "Help" is always OK to use.
"enlighten" was in my mind (in french, and it's a little poetic too in fr. :p), and then I remembered that a day in London, where I asked for somebody to fire my cigarette ... I didn't knew the word, that kind english boy teached taught me "light" :P (and sure he smiled when he heard "fire" xD)

Light / Re: Crusader
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:45:12 pm »
Is it a bug or is it normal ?

This is what happened while I tested a deck :

I play crusader
-----Some turns here where crusader is petrified, blessed-----
IA play Titan.
I Steal the Titan.
I play Vampiric weapon (Vampire Stiletto).
My Crusader Endow my vampire weapon.
My Crusader gets Vampire abilities PLUS Momentum.

Click to enlarge your... vision. (

Maybe a bug ? Maybe something linked with that Titan bug (,18891.msg257262#msg257262) ?

ps : I researched for a previous post relating that kind of thing without flying weapon ; didn't find anything.

Multilingual / Re: Questions about English?
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:07:01 am »
Nice topic :P (hi ^^)

I have a question about that word : nor

If I understood right, it's the opposite of "too" (yes, and me too), but in the sentence is not at the end but at the "and"  :)) (no, nor me).
But I didn't saw that word as much I needed to know if I'm correct or totally wrong ! ???
So, could you light me ? ;D (And correct me if I made mistakes in this post :p)
thanks :P

Introduce Yourself / Re: Help me :(
« on: July 19, 2011, 07:41:21 am »
Hello ! :)
Have you already played at Magic the Gathering ? or this system of card game is totally new for you ?

The fact is you have 100hp, the opponent too. You have to kill your opponent (100 to 0hp) before he kills you !
For that aim, you have creatures that hit him each turn, spells with specifics effects, and permanents.
Read each card before use it, to know exactly what is going on.
And then step by step, game by game, you will increase your knowlege about this game and then your winrate :P

Elements Radio / Re: What kind of music do you listen to?
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:39:59 am »
I listen mainly non-english "happy" musics  (and non-french musics cause i'm

By "happy" music I mean musics that don't kill your morale, musics that give power up to make things in the day. :)
GO!GO!7188 (a J music) have many of these kind of songs. ^^ (example : "C7 (
The "Blur - Song2 (
)" illustrate well what a "happy music" is. :))

 ... and some other musics in relation with the language I'm learning. (if I'm learning a language)

Entropy / Re: Purple Nymph | Purple Nymph
« on: July 18, 2011, 08:07:49 pm »
you are true for the poison ^^ so, maybe the more effective "saving technic" is to put an antimatter on the nymph right the 1st turn and to put a quintessence too.
I don't remember if "Flooding" kills the non-water immortal creatures in top and bottom lines ...

[...] Good news if you like this nymph, though; I heard there's a bug that means you are twice as likely to get this nymph as a different kind, but I can't confirm that, I just read it in another thread once.
twice chance over other nymphs ?
twice chance over "before we get the 1st purple nymph" ?
What a rumor :-X

Multilingual / Re: Forum Français !!!
« on: July 18, 2011, 07:48:09 pm »
[...] Il y a eu beaucoup de mono-rush feu par exemple, c'était assez prévisible, et le gagnant est celui qui en a profité en contrant très bien cela avec un combo auquel je n'avais jamais pensé :)
T'en as trop dit ou pas assez ! :P C'était quoi le combo du "feu" de dieu ? :D

Entropy / Re: Purple Nymph | Purple Nymph
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:12:06 pm »
Also, with the upgrade, it can survive one turn of fire shield, and be able to antimatter that giant lava destroyer
With the upgrade, it's not "survive one turn", it's more like a "survive definitively" ... why ? for 4 :entropy the nymph anitmatte herselve, and then don't touch the fire buckler anymore, same as poisonous shield of life element, same for the frost shield ...

But, with the unupgraded one ... saving her from that kind of shileds cost 8 :entropy if we use an antimatter ... or 1 :entropy if we have an upped chaos power and then antimatte the next turn.

Ok we heal 3hp the opponent, but it's a good trade, isn't ?

And sure, the quintessence is good with all nymphs. :)

edit : damn, I didn't remember I posted here last week... nor saw that I posted. Sorry for that double post. :'(
Bur I'm glad i quoted the exactly same thing, and make a similar anwser ...

General Discussion / Re: AI3 Nymph farming?
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:25:07 pm »
And from the T50 we wasn't abble to get Nymph, they was also turned into relics on the spin.
I don't think you know but T50 was replaced with The Arena.

you think bad ; I knew ! :) But maybe the owner of the topic don't know...

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