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Messages - Alkota (8)

Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Nymph's Tear
« on: July 11, 2010, 09:17:01 am »
   Well in some way I also find  quite strange that the power to create new nymph is only  :water , making it colorless makes sens. But you can't replace Artic squids by a nymph. The first one is a rare card and the second one a dream. You can't say "I need this nymph to make a deck so I m gonna get one" whereas you can say "I need thoose artic squids to make a deck, so I m gonna get the fullset".

  Shortly, on the point of the universe, and all, it is a good idea, but on the point of the gameitself, it will be difficult. I don't think it is even worth considering it.

Archived Decks / Re: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
« on: June 06, 2010, 12:12:43 pm »
And powering a eternity with 3 supernova, good luck!

I think he makes it fly, and then uses a shard of readiness on it. So he only needs the quantum to cast it. If one the cards is the last, it doesn't matter, as shard of readiness allows you to rewind in the turn. Then it's fine^^.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Upgrade laks balance
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:18:46 pm »
Sometime I feel like upgrade laks balance. I mean some cards are way more powerfull upgraded, think of desintegration, the cost is devided by 2, allowing you to cast it for only won single quantum which you can obtain at the second turn, even from a lonely mark. On the other sides, some unupgraded are nearly better than the upgraded one. Think of the red dragon, wich have lowered defense, increaded cost, for only 3 more atk. Or even bigger hope. Have you ever seen an upgraded hope?
Am I the only one to think that way? Thinking that upgrading some cards is thousand times a best investissement that upgrading some other?

Then, saying there is something that might be wrong without suggesting something to improve it, let think about this point.

Maybe the best thing to do is a listing of every useless or more powerfull than usual upgrade.

Multilingual / Re: Jai parle petit francais :) parce que.....?
« on: May 29, 2010, 01:38:54 pm »
A ceux qui tentent d'apprendre le français, je vous dit un grand merci^^. Sa fait des années que nous on se tord en 100 et en 1000 pour apprendre l'anglais, alors les gens qui font l'effort de faire le sens inverse, je trouve ça sympa^^. Enfin d'ici quelques années, sa va être chinois langue vivante principale. Et pis si c'est pas le cas, je ferais quand même mes gosses l'apprendre, ils en auront besoin je le sent^^.
To everybody who try to learn French, I tell you a big thank^^. It have been years we are struggling to lear English, then seeing people doing the same with French, I feel it good. Well some years later, it'll be Chineese the main language learnt. And even if it doesn't I ll make my childrens learn it, I feel like they ll need it^^.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Fire Lance sudden killer (work with no ungrade)
« on: May 22, 2010, 01:15:49 pm »
I used this kind of deck before, but my strategie was a bit different. I played 2 fahrenheit (couldn't get the damn third), and I relayed principaly on the fahrenheit instead of decking all cards. Agaisnt momentum, I targeted the creatures with a bolt. As thoose gods usualy have no healing, having a fahrenheit in the first 15 turns in enough to kill them.

Speaking about strategie, seism is killable with this kind of deck. Playing your towers only one after another. Thanks to fahrenheit, with only around 40 fire quantum, if you got it early, it will slowly kill him. Aether quantum from the beginning of the game will be more than enough to take him out.

So just by adding one fahrenheit you can relay one a second strategie : Slow fahrenheit killing. Or combine the two to make an half slow, half sudden kill^^.

Issue Archive / Re: Progress lost and oracle
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:34:10 pm »
Err, including the forum? Well, now I know, as the text book I used to learn english when I was 12 says^^.

Issue Archive / Progress lost and oracle
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:20:05 pm »
I didn't know where to post my little story, and I though this would be the best place.

I usualy come every day, to know what will happen by the day, believing the oracle speaking.

And the time by I bowed down my head, in a respectfull silent, something appeared strangely at the top of the screen. Something saying the progress is lost.

Well you know, I wouldn't do so much noise, if I missed miracle, nore if I missed a fahreneit, but what I actualy miss is a black nymphe. The second one. I loged out, understanding that no matters how many times I would have tried to save the progress, it wouldn't. And when I came back, as I though, no black nymphe, neither new prediction from the oracle. (If it was a trading from a black nymphe to a new chance to get any nymphe, it would be allright, maybe not equal, but further less frustrating).

Here is a screen of the two black nymphe after the progress have been lost. (I didn't think about taking the screen of the oracle giving me the card, so I screened after leaving him. Well it's such an image to see this nymphe and the progress lost, it's maybe better this way).


(yeah it's quite small, sadly I don't know how to make it bigger. (Don't try to understand why is there an unupgraded shard inside the deck, I just always forget to take it out))

      I was wondering if the game had a facebook page, I found the answer. But why isn't there any big link to the facebook page on the starting screen of the game, or under the link the game wiki? Many more members would join the elements facebook page, with is in our time a realy powerfull advertising support.

     And I think that people who are discovering the game would get into the community more easily by facebook, or any site like that, than with any type of forum. For many people going on facebook is nearly a daily ritual, it's obviously not the same speaking of the forum of a flash game.

    The community is what take the game alive, so it must be accesfull. In a nutshell, I would suggest a little facebook icone, under the donate paypal in the main menu.

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