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Messages - Aitvaras (132)

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Team Underworld / Re: VAULT
« on: May 17, 2011, 10:58:40 am »
Edits done:

Round 5:
Salvage +24
Discard -100
Converted 24

Team Underworld / Re: Salvaging/Discarding ROUND 5
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:15:55 pm »
Okay we will be fighting

Aether 438
Fire 339
Earth 193
Air 135
Time 108

earth air and time should be easy to predict since we should know near entire vault and can easily determine the decks they could make and check their match ups to see what will be most likely thrown at us!

lets brain storm on the salvage/cards we need vs these 5 :)

Team Underworld / Re: Salvaging/Discarding ROUND 5
« on: May 13, 2011, 02:28:19 pm »
The vault shown in vault topic right now is what we would have without our salvage and cards not discarded.

It would take me just a bit to much time to tell exactly what extra cards we have left but anyone willing to dig deeper into the salvaging strategy should find this temporary vault helpfull.

I dont realy have to much to add, except we might want to convert cards to quantum pillars if we dont salvage any quanta cards!

if we would keep the 4 winning decks intact we'd have remaining:
2 nova
1 fire pendulum
1 aether pendulum

doesnt quite make a deck!

18 quantum pillar
9 nova
3 immolation
3 aether pendulum
10 death pendulum
2 fire pendulum
4 burning pillar

Team Underworld / Re: VAULT
« on: May 13, 2011, 02:14:53 pm »
temporary vault up for strategizing. removed all 30 cards from deck that required discarding.

cards salvaged and cards not discarded will be added here soon.

Round 5 / Re: (Fire) catalyzeme 2 - 1 Aitvaras (Underworld)
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:47:37 pm »
I still dont know why, and I regret it nowadays. Just when I made this forum account I was reading a book with some realy awesome guy using magick with a nearly similar name and I used this :S

Round 5 / Re: (Fire) catalyzeme 2 - 1 Aitvaras (Underworld)
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:42:07 pm »
Could you please explain why your in game name is Hertog? And did you know it's the Dutch word for duke? :D

Gz on your win btw!
I'm dutch. Im a hertog jan beer fan, and that has been my gaming tag for the past 2 years.

Round 5 / Re: (Fire) catalyzeme 2 - 1 Aitvaras (Underworld)
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:41:06 pm »
"Punched through the first Voodoo Doll before he could Grav Pull it."

= Basilisk blood or heal. It was grav pull'd. and I was hoping/waiting for light quanta to get an angel out and keep the voodoo up a bit. i knew i had a new voodoo coming.. (if only a second pull got on it) might have been a mistake but no need to dwell on the past.

GGs. well deserved.

Round 5 / Re: (Fire) catalyzeme 2 - 1 Aitvaras (Underworld)
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:29:52 pm »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vm 52q 55t 55t 55t 590 590 590 595 595 595 596 596 5c1 5fb 5le 5og 5v0 5v0 5v0 8pm

Well, than the deck I like to play against shows up and I still loose :(

he starts with 2 spark->immo->golems and can grow both easily, couple of phoenixes follow.
I get a fog shield and a forest spectre..
totaly outdamaged have some cards at hand that wont do anything without some other cards..

Get every single card i need atleast once i think so GG, i win.

Round3: had a couple of decent cards and if the quanta RNG was in my favor this wouldve probably went the other way around, he wasnt that lucky here either I think so it was just his bigger damage beating me.

Team Underworld / Lets watch the manners guys!
« on: May 11, 2011, 02:44:43 pm »
Ok we have repeatedly been adressed about nearly crossing the line from friendly trash talk to flaming.

Ofcourse its always from two sides.

Also we throw out more info about ourselves than is neccesary to brag/explain our actions.

Please let us be the better guys and just not be a part of it. I know we feel we have bragging rights (and we do!).. and they dont see the effort we put in and don't understand the difficulties of our rulesset.

But all that is no excuse for what our image will be if we continue like this.

Also, being polite, friendly and mysterious yet direct strong and competitive scares the shit out of people!

Team Underworld / Re: Post your preaaranged battle times here
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:39:53 pm »
hi catalyzeme

I hope we can figure out a time for tomorrow or else I will probably need to be subbed.

I will try to be on as much as possible 14:30 GMT to 21:30 GMT

I think that is morning till early in the day for you (9:30 till 14:30?) hope you can make it. please inform me asap so I could arrange a substitute if its neccesary.

-have a good evening.-


who and what are our substitution options if me and catalyzeme cant play? i wont have a big enought spare time gap after this one tomorrow.

going to bed now. will check war rules than if no one has on the subbing part.

Team Underworld / Re: Post your preaaranged battle times here
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:28:54 pm »
me vs catalyzeme on 10.05.2011 a couple of hours from now. hopefully.
else I will arrange (tonight) the fight to happen tomorrow and decide on an exact time with him.

Team Underworld / Re: Round 5 - Decks
« on: May 08, 2011, 05:27:10 pm »
hmm i think upgrading a death pendulum is better. it works like a -1 cost on any single death card at hand and also it is a different pillar cluster. not that it will be a big difference but i dont see any situation where the mummy upgrade beats the pendulum upgrade. (considerin both are drawn, but not drawing that pillar or that mummy always makes you want the other one was upgraded..)

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blarg: Aitvaras