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Deck Help / My Gravity deck...
« on: December 17, 2009, 07:04:04 am »
11x Quantum Pillar
01x Fallen Elf
02x Boneyard
03x Armagio
01x Colossal Dragon
03x Otyugh
01x Titan
01x Enchant Artifact
03x Empathic Bond
01x Fire Shield
01x Blessing
01x Reverse Time
01x Anubis
01x Nightfall
02x Steal
02x Parallel Universe

so deck is for healing with empathis bond from skeletons which are from the graveyard, generated from the otyughs...

i currently farm AI3's w/l 85%... 40% of wins are ended with full life...

How can i improve deck?...i know i can get hourglass and sundials but id have to alter the whole deck...

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