Lol if everyone decided to play by the event this round
Will not work. The event is pretty much rigged in favor of those on top, actually.
EDIT: yes, the more I think about this, the more I think it's unbalanced. Take a look at the possible strategies for SteppingStone:
1) He doesn't follow the event, gaining normal amount of Relics upon winning. Good, but normal.
2) He DOES follow the event. Now, he has an enhanced Grid selection of top-notch decks, thus he wins more easily and takes the second most number of Relics. Since he's still in the lead, he keeps his distance - unless there is a 10 2 1 situation, but that's very unlikely with this many matches.
Now, the best course of action for him is clearly following the event and keeping his advantage UNLESS he fears we all follow the event. But, those further down in the ladder HAVE NO REASON TO. See it as follows:
1) They take Relics, gaining a normal amount of Relics upon winning. The leader keeps his distance.
2) They follow the event, gaining the same amount of Relics as SteppingStone. Be it 10 or 2. Thus, SteppingStone keeps his distance.
The only possible bad outcome for Stepping is if one of us runner-ups (me, majofa, kirchj) win a lot more Relics than he does. Thus, we have the choice:
1) Taking the Relics, and hoping that either Stepping, the others or possibly all three lose, in order to limit their Relic gain. Stepping follows the event, has a good selection of cards and wins his match. Hope that the other two either didn't take relics (which is stupid, see below) or lost, otherwise Stepping will keep his distance.
2) Following the event. Stepping does too, wins easily, and gains the same amount of relics as you, thus keeping his lead. Hope the other runner ups didn't take Relics too, otherwise they might pass you...
This event is rigged in Stepping's favor (as in, the leading man's favor, nothing personal