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Grid #1 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg321958#msg321958
« on: April 28, 2011, 05:55:47 pm »
Grid - Rules
Original idea by: Gyrodiot | Developed by : Gyrodiot & TStar | Organized by: Gyrodiot

The Grid is made of 144 slots. If there's a card in them, you may use it for your deck. If it's a Relic, you may claim it after your victory. Beware, the Grid is changing and you'll have to choose the best slots. Limit yourself to gain more Relics, but don't be too greedy... This is a score-based Event.

The rules are splitted in two posts. Don't miss the second one !


Anyone with a forum and a chat account can sign up for this event. Start by reading the rules very carefully. Then sign up by posting on a separate sign up topic. If you cannot find a sign up topic, or if it is locked, this event is not currently active, and you will have to wait for it to restart.

Maximum amount of participants for this event is 32. If the event is full, you can still sign up as a reserve player, and will get a chance to join the event if any of the 32 players doesn't show up during round 1.

The event will last 30 days (10 rounds of 3 days) and use the PvP Parasite Warning System.


The Grid is made of 144 slots, each one containing a card or Relics.
The Grid is fully public : every player know where cards and Relics are. The initial positions of the cards are decided randomly at the beginning of the event.

Every round, players have to choose 12 slots in the Grid, with the following rules :
    You may not choose 2 slots in the same row or columnYou may not choose a card slot you have chosen in the previous round. There are no restrictions on Relic slots.If the slot contains a card, you may use copies of it in your deckIf the slot contains N Relics, you'll gain N Relics if you win your duel. This is cumulative.
Moreover, they must choose three Target slots among the 12 slots they picked. A Target must be a card slot, and will be filled by a Relic is the player wins the duel.


Pairings are posted at the beginning of the round, along with the current Grid. Pairings are decided randomly. A player may not encounter another one twice during the Event. If there's an odd number of players, the "lonely player" automatically wins and gains the lesser number of Relics gained by the winners of the round.

Players have to choose 12 slots and three Targets on the Grid. They can also spend a certain number of Relics they already have (see deckbuilding rules below).

All these informations (slots, targets, number of Relics spent) must be sent by PM to the Organizer before the battle starts. Any battle occuring without it will result in an immediate loss for the player(s) who didn't send his/her PM.

You can build any deck, with these restrictions :
    Cards aren't upgraded by default.If you spend one Relic you gained, to have the right to use 3 upgraded cards in each of your decks this round. For example, if you spend 3 Relics, you may use up to 9 upgraded cards this round.Any mark, any sizeAny Pillars and PendulumsCards from the slots you have chosen (not necessarily all). You can use any number of copies of them.


Every round, unique restrictions will be posted along with pairings and Grid. What are they ? Mystery.

You won't have to follow them, but you'll usually gain some extra Relics if you do.


During the 3 days, players must contact their opponent using a PM, and try to find a time that suits both. If the fight doesn't happen, both players lose by default, unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Event Organizer will determine who the most active player was, and his or her word is final. If the fight didn't happen, the winner gains the lesser number of Relics gained by the winners of the round.

Matches are best-of-five. The first player who wins 3 individual duels, wins the match. You're allowed to switch between decks during the match (as long as they all meet the deckbuilding rules of course).

It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screenshots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair.


Winner should post their result in the "Battle Results" section, along with short description of how the match went. Both the winner and the loser are required to post pictures of both their decks, and their slot and Target picks.


Once the duels are completed, the Grid is updated as it follows :
    If a slot hasn't been picked by a winner, nothing happens ;If a Relic slot has been picked by a winner, Relics are removed, and a random card (not already in the Grid) is put in the slot ;Relics are added in Target slots chosen by winners. If a single slot is targeted by more than one winner, it will receive several Relics.


After 10 rounds, the player with the most Relics is the winner of the event. This cool forum icon and squared glory will be awarded:
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg321991#msg321991
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 07:02:08 pm »
Questions & Answers

Can two players choose the same card slot ?
Yes, both will be able to use the card in their decks.

Can two players choose the same Relic slot ?
Yes, both will gain a Relic if they win.

Can two players Target the same card slot ?
Yes, the slot will receive 2 Relics if both win.

Can you Target a Relic slot ?
No. Targets must be card slots.

Can you "double" or "triple Target" a card slot ?
No. Your three Targets must be three different card slots.

What happens if nobody picks a particular Relic slot ?
The Relic stays there.

I don't understand "the lesser number of Relics gained by the winners of the round" ?
Let's say there's 4 winners : A, B and C gained respectively 3, 1 and 4 Relics, and D won by forfeit. D receives 1 Relic.
The "gain" doesn't include bonus Relics from special restrictions, only those won from Relic slots.

PM and Post Formatting

The following examples use the Sample Grid below.
The PM can use any format as long as all the information (slots, targets and relics spent) clearly appear.

Example Slot picking PM 1

A8 - Devourer
B7 - Minor Vampire
C2 - 3 Relics
D4 - 1 Relic
E3 - Fractal - Target
F6 - Parasite
G5 - Dusk Mantle
H12 - Earthquake - Target
I1 - Vulture
J11 - 1 Relic
K9 - 1 Relic
L10 - Voodoo Doll - Target

Relics spent : 2
With these slot picks, I may use Devourer, Minor Vampire, Fractal, Parasite, Dusk Mantle, Earthquake, Vulture and Voodoo Doll in my decks this round. I can use up to 2 x 3 = 6 upgraded cards in my decks.
If I win, I'll gain 3+1+1+1 = 6 Relics ; the slots E3, H12 and L10 will be filled by a Relic. The slots C2, D4, J11 and K9 will be filled by new cards.

Example Slot picking PM 2

C9Relic x 1
E8Bone Wall
F4Relic x 1
G1Rage Potion
H11Relic x 2
I7Owl's Eye
J6Relic x 2
K10Relic x 1
L12Graviton Fire Eater
Relics spent : 0
With these slot picks, Napalm may use Deflagration, Phoenix, Poison, Bone Wall, Rage Potion, Owl's Eye and Graviton Fire Eater in her decks this round. She can't use upgraded cards in her decks.
If Napalm wins, she'll gain 2+2+1+1+1 = 7 Relics ; the slots E8, I7 and L12 will be filled by a Relic. The slots C9, F4, H11, J6 and K10 will be filled by new cards.

Sample Grid (just an example !)
HTML Table Grid

ANova2 RelicsDeflagrationDimensional Shield1 RelicSundialEmpathic BondDevourerHeal1 RelicStealImmolation
BFire BoltPhoenixLava GolemPhotonGolden Hourglass1 RelicMinor VampireBlessingFirefly QueenLightningRain of Fire2 Relics
CBlack Dragon3 RelicsDrain Life1 RelicOtyughBoneyardCrimson_DragonForest Spirit1 RelicForest ScorpionHorned FrogReverse Time
D1 Relic1 RelicAdrenaline1 RelicPoisonCockatriceParallel UniversePhase DragonFire SpiritMomentumQuintessence2 Relics
E1 RelicGraboidFractalScarab1 RelicMitosisEmerald DragonBone WallImmortalMindgateFate EggAntimatter
FFire ShieldRustlerEnchant Artifact1 RelicSanctuaryParasite3 RelicsAsh EaterPurifyCarapace ShieldSparkDagger
GRage PotionNightfallLycanthropeFallen ElfDusk Mantle1 Relic1 RelicSteam MachineDune Scorpion1 RelicBone DragonPlague
H1 RelicAbominationVirus1 RelicFreezeEternityVampire StilettoArmagioChaos SeedFlying Weapon2 RelicsEarthquake
IVultureLobotomizerGhost of the PastHopeFahrenheitBlack_HoleOwl's EyeMummyAnubisSapphire ChargerDruidic Staff1 Relic
J1 RelicChrysaoraDragonflyGolden DragonShrieker2 RelicsPharaohGargoyleDevonian_DragonSchrödinger's Cat1 RelicDeja Vu
KProcrastinationMind FlayerPlate ArmorMaxwell's DemonStone SkinPurple DragonPegasusLiquid Shadow1 Relic1 RelicFireflyNightmare
L1 RelicPandemoniumShockwaveSoul CatcherThunderstorm1 RelicHoly LightMutationShort SwordVoodoo DollAccelerationGraviton Fire Eater
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg322004#msg322004
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 07:30:36 pm »
Couple things I hope you can clarify for me......

1) Is the grid a constant fixed set or does it get scrambled and reset each round?
*** This was partly answered by "The New Grid" section, but doesn't that mean a player can just pick the same 8 grid spots over and over to maximize Relic gains?  Can't two or more players agree to select the same number repeatedly to create a Relic "supersquare" worth a dozen or more by the last round?

2) Can the same card (besides Relics) appear more than once in the grid?
*** Since cards become Relics after use, wouldn't that mean each round you have fewer and fewer cards available to players to use since the supply isn't replenished?

3) Are the only cards you are allowed to use in your decks those that you pick in one of your 8 grid slots?
*** There are 180 non-pillar/pendulum cards in Elements (including Nymphs).  64 cards is barely 1/3 of that number, and it is further limited to only 8 cards per player (or less if they get a Relic).  I'm concerned that this is severly limit the potential enjoyment and deckbuilding in the event if players only have a maximum of 8 cards available to them.  Odds are you won't even get 2 cards of the same element in your 8.  I'll put together a quick sample of 8 random cards to give you an idea how restrictive this can be for decks.

4) Is there a limit on the total number of grid slots than can be Relics?  For example, can 15 of the 64 slots be a Relic or is there a maximum?
*** Theoretically with 16 winners each round you can have a Round where every single card spot is selected by a winner meaning the next round will feature 64 Relic spots only.  That could make for some problems with building decks.

5) Due to the random nature of the event where you don't even know if you will get Relics in a round or what cards you or your opponent will get, wouldn't random pairings make more sense and be easier than a Swiss system where you might end up playing the same person 3 or more times over a 10 round event?
*** It might get boring in such a short even if you wind up playing the same person over and over.  I don't see how a player has any advantage over another in this system that requires Swiss seeding since cards and Relics are all random.  I can win 1 Round and get 6 Relics and someone else can have bad luck and win 5 Rounds for only 2 Relics because they never picked a Relic slot.

6) What is the maximum number of Relics that can occupy a single grid spot?  You mention "If the slot contain N Relics" so I'm assuming a single grid location can contain multiples.  Is the limit 2? 5? 10?
*** As mentioned above, if you don't cap it one round could create a huge square that a lucky winner gets alone and basically wins the event in 1 turn.  Imagine all 16 winners pick the same spot and next round only 1 player picks it and gets 16 Relics.  That one round alone might be enough to win the entire event without winning any other rounds.

7) What happens if a player picks 8 Relic spots?  Does that mean the player has to play a suicide deck that round?
*** This can really be a problem because it will kill the enthusiasm for one player, and give a free win to another.

Just some initial thoughts and questions.
Carpe Diem!!

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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg322020#msg322020
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2011, 07:54:42 pm »
Here is a sample of 10 randomly chosen 8-card sets.  This is assuming there are no Relics and that each card can only appear once.....

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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg322031#msg322031
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 08:10:01 pm »
7 questions, 7 answers ! I'll try to complete the rules with these precisions.

1 - Yes, the Grid is a fixed constant. All players know the cards, and the number of Relics in each slot.
If a player picks 8 Relics spots... he won't be able to play any card in his/her deck (except Pillars/Pendulums).
Players can agree to create a "supersquare", but as the Grid is the same for everybody, all can profit from the spots.

2 - When there's a Relic in a spot, the card doesn't disappear, but can't be played. If a player choose it during the round, it becomes available again the next round.

3 - 64 slots can be too few. We can enlarge the Grid to 144 spots and 12 picks per round, or 169 cards and 13 picks.

4 - Hopefully, this won't happen (especially with a larger Grid). But now I think about it... we can say that a Relic slot become automatically available after 2 rounds.

5 - Random pairings... why not.

6 - The only limit is the number of players. You're right, if all 16 winners pick the same card (that would mean that they all used this card in their deck), the spot would have 16 Relics. But not choosing this amazing spot in the next round would be a terrible move, so I doubt that only one player choose it.

7 - Yes, a player can pick 8 Relic spots, leading to a suicide deck. But as all players know where Relics are, it couldn't be an accident.
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg322902#msg322902
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2011, 08:37:02 pm »
I like the grid.  If you want I can probably resize some images and make a graphics-based one instead.
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg322936#msg322936
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 09:06:50 pm »
Sure, why not ? That's a good idea... but it may take some time (even with the text version, I spent an hour or so on it).
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg322961#msg322961
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2011, 09:24:55 pm »
Images all the way. Here's an easy way to do it. All you need is a bunch of 64x64 images that you put in a list (with BBcodes). Then you randomize the list, and put 12 images on each line. When players pick the cards, you replace the image with a Elements card back image (or something like that).

The whole process of making the grind, shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

EDIT: using this method, editing of the grid will be much more annoying than creating it. While images look nice and simple when you post them, finding a specific image from the codem is like trying a find a piece of hey inside a stack of needles.

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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg323434#msg323434
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2011, 02:36:54 pm »
Is the graphical grid appearing as 10 lines+2 on the line below to anyone else?
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg323441#msg323441
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2011, 02:49:33 pm »
It looks like a regular 12x12 grid on my screen.
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg323442#msg323442
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2011, 02:53:56 pm »
It looks like a regular 12x12 grid on my screen.
What browser are you using?  Mine is the most recent update of Firefox.

EDIT: Ok, it's even worse on IE for me with a 9+3 split.  This might be something related to screen size of some laptops.
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Re: The Grid https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25252.msg323443#msg323443
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2011, 02:59:06 pm »
Did you try zooming out some on firefox?


blarg: Gyrodiot,TStar