In a general way, it works like this (I may have forgotten some cases) :
You lose by forfeit if you don't send me your picks in time, if you made a mistake in your picks or in your decks, of if your opponent were more active than you for scheduling the match.
Wrong Targets are replaced by random ones.
Wrong Relics Spent result in a (big) penalty if you win.
You win (the regular way) if you manage to actually play your duel, and win. If you played your duel and win but figure out later that your opponent had to forfeit, you still get a regular win.
If you figure out at the beginning of the duel that your opponent made a mistake, and lose, you'll get a forfeit win later so, it's better for you to ask your opponent to send new picks, and play the match properly...
Any other win is a forfeit win.