Seraph 3 - 1 valuka
I had insanely good draws each time, but I had tried to optimize the deck to maximize probability of early discord and quick damage
I was planning to use chaos dune + antimatter, but dune was banned (It was a filler card, not even a card I planned to use last round)
Don't remember the deck exactly, it was something like this, but it had towers (same 6 frog, 4 discord, 4 adrenaline of cards though)
Deck for Game 1
Game 1. Loss
Not good enough consistency with quanta, so I didn't get the discord early enough to have a major effect. I still won the damage race, but he had heals so he saved himself.
Deck for game 2-4:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 8pn
I call this deck (when actually made with cockatrices, full ups, and abominations) Discord Horde!
Game 2. Win
Turn 2 Discord, IDK who went first, won by two turns
Game 3. Win
Turn 2 Discord, IDK who went first, won by one or two turns
Game 4 Win
Turn 2 Discord, I went first, so I absolutely outrushed him, won by 2-4 turns
A4= Moo
B7= Moo
C2= Moo
D10= Moo
Target: E5= Adrenaline
F12= Moo
G3= Moo
H6= Moo
I1= Moo
Target: J8= Discord
Target: K11= Horned Frog
L9= Moo
4*4=16 MP for 16 relics if I win
2*1=2 MP To upgrade 4 cards
also sacrifice 2 relics for 6 more upgrades
5 relics for all are moo or cards
19 relics if I win
3 if I lose
Anyways, I picked exactly 3 cards... Discord, Giant Frog, and Adrenaline, The rest were moos
gimmeh 19 Relics
, now I think I have 44? Still far behind kirch though
Hey Gyro, can you give us some Super Events That Will Allow Us To Usurp kirch If He Loses Both Times!
That being said I remember people talking about creating a drop out system for points based events, because it sucks to play when you know you are going to lose. You know, give us some hope