Scorps, and Spiders, and Thorns, oh my!
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After a long and tiring day of traveling through the maze-like ruins we decided it was time to set up camp somewhere. Unsure what potential creatures could be lurking in the shadows we figure it might be a smart idea to set up a few traps to try and keep us safe. When picking a spot to set our camp, we notice a bramble of
bushes and thorns and decide this could be a smart place to settle so that no potential rapid creatures will find us. The bushes bring us a slight bit of ease of safety but not enough, so we conclude that a second line of defense may be needed. We dig trenches between us and the bushes so that any creatures that are agile enough to creep past the thorned bushes fall into a pit of
scorpions and spiders. Each of these sets of bugs are equipped with staggering amounts of
venomous poison] to kill the threats that endanger our lives. After a long nights rest we awaken to see that no harm has come to us, and we are
grateful for the traps we had set our so that we may continue our journey through the rest of the maze-like ruins.