Not really sure how to say this tactfully so I'll be blunt......I really hate the fault posted here. I see a ton of broken decks. I see us ignoring obvious synergies that are proven strong and effective. I see lots of bad losses in many of these decks.
Fractal charger, Quint Fire Eater, Cat Titans are all keepers. These suckers are proven and powerful. Novagrabby works, although I think we should settle on the version that works best instead of trying to use two. Blessed Oty and Voodoo Accel v2 are both solid situationally. These decks can work.
Then there are decks I'm not sold on. The AM deck looks like a loser to be honestly. I don't see it rolling AM fast enough to keep up with most decks damage. It might work but I'm just not sold on a shieldless stall nor a deck that relies on no momentumed creatures to get enough damage. Immophoenix is a disaster waiting to happen. Barring an outstanding draw you realistically won't even be able to use your first immo until the 3rd turn, and that's assuming you haven't been Discorded or outrushed already. If we play this deck we'll have to get a very favorable matchup to avoid losing badly. Ghastly night feeders I despise. 0|3 Otys are junk and I don't see many teams being stupid enough to give up 1 and 2 HP critters to feed on. No we have some momentum to try and pump us up and GotP+RT but no Eternity's. This deck just doesn't seem to work as is and would probably be better as a Dune Scorp deck with Eternity's. But by far the worst deck is Oty Stalkers. 4 Momentum to power 6 creatures, and a complete reliance on otys eating to maintain any semblence of life and bone wall size. I can't even think of many decks that would be strong against honestly.
What I'm seeing are a bunch of decks that will get crushed by a speed poison deck or a neurotoxin/RT deck. Why have we completely ignored a deck type that almost every element used last war? We don't have any purifies or counters really. I'm also very confused about how we've completely ignored the most powerful synergy we have in earth. Why don't we have any Pulvy decks? Where are the EQ/BH decks? Why are we ignoring the powerful Gravity Shield/BB combo? Heck, we could put a Warden stall to amazing effect if we tried! I feel like we are throwing away our strengths to try and be novel, but new and different isn't always better. I see tons of people every weekend in the tournies trying to do something new and complex, and it works on occasion. But the winning decks, especially for me, always seem to be the ones who keep it simple and play to the established strengths. It's ok to roll something new and throw a curveball from time-to-time, but it's not ok to completely ditch the reliable fastballs in the process.
We have 1 day to really decide if these new decks are better than the simple and reliable ones already out there. Think about it people, because I'm really starting to think we are setting ourselves up for failure right now with some of these choices. Anyways, that's just my 2 cents.