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Elements the Game => War Archive => War => Events and Competitions => Gravity => Topic started by: GG on October 12, 2010, 12:42:45 am

Title: Vault
Post by: GG on October 12, 2010, 12:42:45 am
(Temporary post)

The Vault is very important because cards in the Vault are not only used to build decks, but they also act as "hit points" for the whole team. If a Vault is less than 30 cards at the start of a round, that team gets eliminated from the event. Vault is built by the whole team, led by the General.

Cards that were not used during player auction, will form the team starting Vault. Up to this point, cards have just been a number, now it is time to fill the Vault with specific cards.

Vault building rules:
- at least 50% of cards have to be from your element
- maximum of 24 per card from your element (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars or Pendulums)
- maximum of 12 per card from other elements (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars or Pendulums)
- no Shards

Cards in the Vault are always unupgraded. If you move an upgraded card back to the Vault, it becomes unupgraded.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: PhantomFox on October 14, 2010, 10:39:24 pm
Personally, I think we should have a well balanced vault, with some emphasis on our strongest synergies.  And make sure not to forget new deck possibilities with the newer cards.  Fire is the most obvious synergy, but Time has been growing as a potent combo as well.  One of our main problems will be good offense since unupgraded Gravity isn't as good as I'd like.  Also, permanent control is something necessary to include.
So as for the amount of cards we should pack...
Aether - Medium.  Fractals and Quintessences for the most part, with some phase shields.
Air - Low.  Flying Weapons and Eagle Eyes will serve us for the most part.
Darkness - Low-Medium.  Could make an ultimate denial deck perhaps?  Steals are always useful.
Death - Medium-high.  A good synergy.  Death bonuses plus supreme CC works well.
Earth - High.  Pulverizer is good, plus armored Otyughs, Earthquakes and other powerful high HP creatures.
Entropy - Medium.  Discord wrecks a lot of stuff, and Black Holes makes it even worse.  Novas are always important, and perhaps some Maxwell's? 
Fire - High.  So much stuff to love, and the synergy is top-notch.
Life - Medium.  Adrenaline mostly, with support creatures.  Otyugh+Thorn Shield?
Light - Medium-Low.  Holy Lights to mess up Dark and Death are nice, but other than that and blessings, there isn't much synergies.  Armagio Angels perhaps?
Time - High.  Pharaohs and Dune Scorpions strengthen the existing synergy rather well.
Water - Low.  Not many good synergies here.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: GG on October 17, 2010, 04:03:58 pm
Okay. We have 500 - 51 = 449 cards to spare. Here's a tentative list of non-pillar/pendulum cards we'll take.

150? gravity pillar/pendulum
24 charger
24 otyugh
12~18 black hole
12 armagio
10 titan
18 graviton firemaster
12 graviton mercenary
6 gravity shield
18 gravity pull
12 momentum

8 discord

6 heal
6 adrenaline

12 burning pillar
6 fire bolt
6 explosions
6 immolation
4 phoenix

10 aether pillar
12 dim shield
6 lightning
6 fractal

6 purify

6 flying weapon
6 fog shield

6 voodoo doll
9 steal
9 devourer

10 stone pillar
12 earthquake
6 pulverizer
6 plate armor

6 holy light
2 reflective shield

8 bone pillar
4 bonewall
12 poison
6 deathstalker

3 eternity
6 dune scorpion

now, the big question: how many pillars/pendulums should we take? The main reason Gravity failed in the last war was the lack of pillars, although that's not gonna happen this war since there's conversion. But still, in order to use that, we still have to carry a lot of gravity cards anyway.

Hmm maybe we can just put in 24 of every gravity card and then start converting from round 1 :P

I'd especially like some inputs from Jumba and PF (especially jumba for being the previous master), since they were both in the last war.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: cebra on October 18, 2010, 09:12:44 am
Maybe we should include some Amber Nymphs, too?
I know, they´re weak and not many of us have them. But I think, they´re quite strong. And we´re Team Gravity.
But it would be neccessary to write who has how much of them.
I´ve got 1.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Memorystick on October 18, 2010, 09:30:34 am
Only nymphs I have are 2 :entropy and 1 :death :(
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: GG on October 18, 2010, 02:09:45 pm
Maybe we should include some Amber Nymphs, too?
I know, they´re weak and not many of us have them. But I think, they´re quite strong. And we´re Team Gravity.
But it would be neccessary to write who has how much of them.
I´ve got 1.
Why don't we.... focus on more important matters, such as the vault ITSELF, rather than talking about putting nymphs in and how many nymphs we have, etc.?

I don't care how many nymphs you people have. We'll talk about that AFTER we finish making the vault.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: ~Napalm on October 18, 2010, 10:58:28 pm
Hmmm... I must have missed something with this conversion thing. I cannot seem to find anything about it either. Help?
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Jumbalumba on October 19, 2010, 08:26:25 am
150 pillars/pendulums are probably too many.

Last war vault was a big factor in Gravity not doing its best. We didn't have enough gravity cards overall not just pillars.

I'd say we want to have around 2/3 to 3/4 of our vault as Gravity cards and probably 1/3 of the gravity cards as pillars/pendulums.

As for conversion, "As a new rule in War #2, teams now have the option to convert some of their cards. This means that they can replace any card in their Vault with a Pillar or a Pendulum of their element. Converting helps teams to avoid a situation where they would be otherwise forced to build "suicide" decks. Converting will be done by the Vault Organizer who posts on the Vault topic which cards are converted, and then editing the Vault. Teams can convert a maximum of 12 cards per round."

So with this rule we should err to the side of less pillars/pendulums just so we have more utility with the other cards. If we need then we convert to pillars/pendulums. One must note that cards cannot be converted to anything that is not a pillar/pendulum.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Indrejue on October 19, 2010, 01:24:22 pm
9 (number of players)*13 (which is the most pillars and pend we should have in decks anyhow in a 30-32 card deck)

117 cards as pends and pillars
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: ~Napalm on October 19, 2010, 05:34:29 pm
yes... but we definitely want some breathing room. Going with only what is ESSENTIAL is not always the best way of doing things. Also, are novas useless to us? or are we leaving them out for another reason?

Also, with 2/3-3/4 of the vault gravity, and 1/3 of that pendulums/pillars, that is only 107 (using 17/24 as the amount of gravity cards as 16/24 is 2/3 andn 18/24 is 3/4)

I would say 120-125 is about where we want them to lie , but how do we divide pendulums and pillars... that is the better question. Can we convert a pillar to a pendulum and vice versa?
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Indrejue on October 19, 2010, 07:04:32 pm
well one can only have 6 pendulums of any kind in a deck so we should have at a min about 9 x 6 +15=69.  all of this is just on the gravity kinds of quanta producers remember we also have other kinds that we are going to be mixing in in limited quantities
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Memorystick on October 19, 2010, 07:42:16 pm
well one can only have 6 pendulums of any kind in a deck so we should have at a min about 9 x 6 +15=69.  all of this is just on the gravity kinds of quanta producers remember we also have other kinds that we are going to be mixing in in limited quantities
That's not correct- the six-pendulums limit is a bug, and only happens sometimes. There are ways to get around it, for example, copy/pasting the code for it into the deck code and using import.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Indrejue on October 19, 2010, 07:49:10 pm
even if that is a nice mix 69 pends and say 60 pillars

or 60 and 60
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: PhantomFox on October 19, 2010, 09:59:54 pm
Things we need to add to our vault:
Quintessences - The quint'd Otyugh is the key to many FG Rainbows
Vulture, Graveyard  - Gravity has supreme CC, and death based effects play right into that.
Novas - Free splash quanta will help our versatility
Rain of Fire And/Or Rage Potion - Area of Effect CC is really nice, and Rage Potion can be used offensively or defensively. 
Blessings - Blessed Otyughs are nice as well, along with other uses. 
Rewind - When you want a different weapon than Eternity
Pharaoh - for Time/Grav synergy
Eagle Eye - Because 7 damage AND good CC is awesome.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: GG on October 19, 2010, 11:03:15 pm
Things we need to add to our vault:
Quintessences - The quint'd Otyugh is the key to many FG Rainbows
Vulture, Graveyard  - Gravity has supreme CC, and death based effects play right into that.
Novas - Free splash quanta will help our versatility
Rain of Fire And/Or Rage Potion - Area of Effect CC is really nice, and Rage Potion can be used offensively or defensively. 
Blessings - Blessed Otyughs are nice as well, along with other uses. 
Rewind - When you want a different weapon than Eternity
Pharaoh - for Time/Grav synergy
Eagle Eye - Because 7 damage AND good CC is awesome.
quint - added.
vulture,graveyard - uh... maybe bonewall, but it costs too much. so no.
nova - i don't see the point of it.
RoF/rage pot - RoF too expensive. rage pot... should we just throw away our firebolt deck and put in rage pot instead? --> good idea
blessings - uh... no
rewind - already in
pharaoh - too slow.
EE - hmm... too much quanta
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Jumbalumba on October 20, 2010, 03:27:33 am
Just going to say a bit now; will try to look at things more later

We want Wings; Wings are great and are cheap.
I don't like Steal. Costs quite a bit and generally there isn't anything too great to Steal. Even if there is I don't feel it is very worth it.
More Reflective Shield. 2 is not enough. I would say 2 is not enough for 1 deck.
I'd like more Black Holes. Black Holes are great. Using 4 quanta to deny more than 4 is very worthwhile and even if it's below 4 it could really slow down opponents.
More Titans. Pretty much we should always take at least 1 Titan. It is the best offensive card we have. So 9 people with a Titan each needs 9. However, there are certain cases when a flying Titan deck is good. So I think we should take 14-19 Titans.
Get rid of Burning pillars; we don't need 12 of them. Gravity pendulum is more flexible and can generally provide what we need.
Same with Stone Pillars.
Now Bone Pillars, I'm not so sure about
More Holy Light
No Eternity; don't have the quanta generation to run it. Titan is generally better.

Generally, we have too many cards there in the list atm.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: GG on October 20, 2010, 12:13:22 pm
The problem with removing burning pillars is that our fire bolt decks become useless; however, I think that's a better choice. I removed both burning pillars and bolts.

I have no idea what I was thinking when I put in 8 stone pillars... maybe I thougth we had stone skin or something.

Reflective shield seems too situational. The only place we're going to use it is against gas or bolt deck, and I've only seen a few last war.

Dunno about other elements, but bone pillars seem a bit necessary so that it's possible to give poison charges on the second turn. With only pendulums, we'll have to wait until the 3rd.

Removed steal and eternity. Added wings.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: ~Napalm on October 21, 2010, 06:02:33 pm
Lolz... I'm just goofing around with a deck for the menagerie tournament, unupped gravity with an early armagio can EM these AI3 noobs :))
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Jumbalumba on October 21, 2010, 11:26:22 pm
The thing about poison is that we don't really need much. Losing out on 1 turn of poison is only 3 damage. I just don't feel that bone pillars are worth it to have. I would get some if we wanted some Bone Walls but those are too expensive anyway.

Not sure we want any Chimera at all; don't think it is useful in really any circumstance.
Also, I'm not sure about the Pillar/Pendulum balance we have. In general the decks I used in masters battles were heavily for Pendulums. Pendulums are also more flexible because they are just like Pillars if we use Gravity mark.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Memorystick on October 22, 2010, 12:55:03 am
The thing about poison is that we don't really need much. Losing out on 1 turn of poison is only 3 damage. I just don't feel that bone pillars are worth it to have. I would get some if we wanted some Bone Walls but those are too expensive anyway.

Not sure we want any Chimera at all; don't think it is useful in really any circumstance.
Also, I'm not sure about the Pillar/Pendulum balance we have. In general the decks I used in masters battles were heavily for Pendulums. Pendulums are also more flexible because they are just like Pillars if we use Gravity mark.
Unless you and girls are going to be using the poison decks, it's 2 poison inflicted, not 3 :P Just thought I'd point that out
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Memorystick on October 25, 2010, 02:51:53 am
Might be a bit too late, but what's with having immolations and no photons/sparks? I'm thinking our propaganda bonus will be used for some shields and photons
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: GG on October 25, 2010, 02:57:55 am
Might be a bit too late, but what's with having immolations and no photons/sparks? I'm thinking our propaganda bonus will be used for some shields and photons
we're not putting in photons. we'll use firemasters as immolation fuel.

and yes, we will add more shields.
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: Memorystick on October 25, 2010, 03:50:24 am
Might be a bit too late, but what's with having immolations and no photons/sparks? I'm thinking our propaganda bonus will be used for some shields and photons
we're not putting in photons. we'll use firemasters as immolation fuel.

and yes, we will add more shields.
Problem with using fire eaters as fuel is that mulligan can screw us hard, and we have a net loss of :gravity. Indeed, I'm getting screwed in trying to build a deck because we have no novas and no creatures that have cost=<1 (trying to include reflective shields for UG)
Title: Re: Vault
Post by: ~Napalm on October 25, 2010, 04:09:47 am
Might be a bit too late, but what's with having immolations and no photons/sparks? I'm thinking our propaganda bonus will be used for some shields and photons
we're not putting in photons. we'll use firemasters as immolation fuel.

and yes, we will add more shields.
Problem with using fire eaters as fuel is that mulligan can screw us hard, and we have a net loss of :gravity. Indeed, I'm getting screwed in trying to build a deck because we have no novas and no creatures that have cost=<1 (trying to include reflective shields for UG)
You can check out what we have now in the deckbuilding post :D

1 day, 11 hrs to go D: