Some salvage options:
4 bonewall, 1 momentum, 1 whatever
1 gravity pillar, 1 titan, 2 shields, 2 chargers
2 bone pillar, 3 arsenic, 1 bonewall
---> Death deck reincarnate
whatever we want from first deck
some combination of aether cards
2 dim shield, 1 dragon, rest whatever
---> Another aether deck or maybe a modification of the earlier one with PU/drag.
first deck salvage used for conversion
second deck salvage used for conversion too
3 discord, 3 antimatter
---> revival of discord deck, sadly without BHs. I could probably use this along with Elite chargers.
Honestly scorpions sorta suck. Take frogs as additions to the life deck, along with the heals.
Four choices. I personally like the first or the third one.