These are the Decks posted in the Vault. Please Double/Tripplecheck:
Do you have all the cards needed? -> Are latest changes implemented?
-> Correct ammount of upps?
-> Did I pick the correct decks for each Role?
-> Is the deck war-legal?
Our Relics = 1
General vs.
Spoiler for Round 4:
Our Relics = 1
#ups = 12 (7 Gen, 4 Lt, 1 Ass -> 2 Gen, 7 Lt, 3 Ass)
General vs.
Lieutenant vs.
Strategist vs. [none]
Assassin vs.
Salvager vs. [none]
Scout vs. [none]
Spoiler for Round 3:
Our Relics = 1
General vs.
Lieutenant vs.
Strategist vs. [none]
Assassin vs.
Salvager vs.
Scout vs.
Spoiler for Round 2:
Our Relics = 2
General vs
Gen. ++ (2)
Lieutenant vs
Str. (2)
Strategist vs
Gen. ++ (2)
Assassin vs
Sc. (2)
Salvager vs
Ass. (2)
Scout vs
Sc. (2)
Spoiler for Round 1:
Our Relics = 2
General vs.
Lt. +(2)
Lieutenant vs.
Str. (2)
Strategist vs.
Sc. (2)
Assassin vs.
Gen. ++ (2)
Salvager vs.
Lt. + (2)
Scout vs.
Sal. (2)