I guess it was more like 3 hours than 10.... (I do realise it's 6 hours now)
Anyways, we can only make 3 legal decks so the matches made are fine I suppose. I'm happy with anybody playing although obviously I would like to be one of them as I get a 6 upgraded card advantage. If I am still allowed to choose the players, I would like to replace PhantomFox as I believe the match against Darkness is the only one we can win so 6 upgraded cards makes more sure of that. Of course I shouldn't get an advantage of choosing my opponent so I don't know what should happen here.
Ultimately though it doesn't matter and I am tempted to just give up and suicide everything because there's no difference between coming 2nd and 12th.
We're going to be down to 0/1 legal deck/s by the end of Round 4 anyway so it's not like we're going to get much further.
(Everybody knows we only really have 12 Dimensional Shields, at most, to play with so Earth will pack counters such as Momentum and Pulverizer and Darkness will pack Steal)