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Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« on: June 26, 2010, 05:44:43 am »
  3.  :aether icecoldbro
   4.  :gravity Jumbalumba

 19.  :darkness Troh
  20.  :gravity PhantomFox

21.  :fire syco666
  22.   :gravity jmdt

 33.   :gravity Baily18
  34.  :earth Terroking

39.  :entropy Svenningen
  40.  :gravity xKelevra

41.  :aether icybraker
  42.  :gravity Smokefree

Ouch... looks like there are two masters. I think we could possibly be eliminated this round :x For my match vs entropy, I can almost guarantee that they're gonna use quint+dragons+antimatter again. Anybody have ideas on how to counter that? Anybody have an idea what our vault looks like?


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Re: Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 10:56:55 am »
It's really hard to make decks with the lack of cards along with not knowing what's happening with PhantomFox vs Bloodshadow.

Also we have 6 more cards to salvage from icecoldbro. Also we have 6 card penalty as well to sort out.

We only have enough gravity cards for 4 legal decks.... Apparently Aether is out so matches need to be remade.

People have said the timer is wrong so I do believe we have more than 1 day to sort all this out.

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Re: Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 02:25:52 am »
It's really hard to make decks with the lack of cards along with not knowing what's happening with PhantomFox vs Bloodshadow.

Also we have 6 more cards to salvage from icecoldbro. Also we have 6 card penalty as well to sort out.

We only have enough gravity cards for 4 legal decks.... Apparently Aether is out so matches need to be remade.

People have said the timer is wrong so I do believe we have more than 1 day to sort all this out.
This round will definately be tough.  Would be nice if they would resolve PhantomFox's last match so we know where we stand on cards.  If aether is out it lightens or our load a bit.  The match agauinst terro is probably unwinable and fire has a bunch of options so I worry about their match too.  If we still have the holy lights PhantomFox's match should be the easiest.  Not sure about xKelevra's match.  Entropy also has a depleted vault, but have some crafty deckbuilders.

This could be our last round, but we'll have to wait and see how they resolve the issues before we come to any conclusions.


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Re: Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2010, 07:09:49 pm »
The holy lights are nice, but the deck I tried to play against was a counter of the blessed otyughs: An antimatter deck.


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Re: Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2010, 07:50:37 am »
You need to make a decision on which 4 players are fighting during round 4. This decision has to be made as soon as possible. If it's not done in about 10 hours, I (or Warmaster) will pick names by random.

So let us know. Thanks.


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Re: Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2010, 01:35:57 pm »
I guess it was more like 3 hours than 10.... (I do realise it's 6 hours now)

Anyways, we can only make 3 legal decks so the matches made are fine I suppose. I'm happy with anybody playing although obviously I would like to be one of them as I get a 6 upgraded card advantage. If I am still allowed to choose the players, I would like to replace PhantomFox as I believe the match against Darkness is the only one we can win so 6 upgraded cards makes more sure of that. Of course I shouldn't get an advantage of choosing my opponent so I don't know what should happen here.

Ultimately though it doesn't matter and I am tempted to just give up and suicide everything because there's no difference between coming 2nd and 12th.

We're going to be down to 0/1 legal deck/s by the end of Round 4 anyway so it's not like we're going to get much further.

(Everybody knows we only really have 12 Dimensional Shields, at most, to play with so Earth will pack counters such as Momentum and Pulverizer and Darkness will pack Steal)

Offline jmdt

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Re: Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2010, 02:18:32 pm »
I guess it was more like 3 hours than 10.... (I do realise it's 6 hours now)

Anyways, we can only make 3 legal decks so the matches made are fine I suppose. I'm happy with anybody playing although obviously I would like to be one of them as I get a 6 upgraded card advantage. If I am still allowed to choose the players, I would like to replace PhantomFox as I believe the match against Darkness is the only one we can win so 6 upgraded cards makes more sure of that. Of course I shouldn't get an advantage of choosing my opponent so I don't know what should happen here.

Ultimately though it doesn't matter and I am tempted to just give up and suicide everything because there's no difference between coming 2nd and 12th.

We're going to be down to 0/1 legal deck/s by the end of Round 4 anyway so it's not like we're going to get much further.

(Everybody knows we only really have 12 Dimensional Shields, at most, to play with so Earth will pack counters such as Momentum and Pulverizer and Darkness will pack Steal)
I was going to volunteer to play, but looks like we're set to go already.  With earth*2 with a master and darkness we a have ver tough new draw.  I would almost suggest a suicide deck against terroking and putting the best cards into the other two decks.  We can beat darkness and since earth has fire and light this round may be able to squeak out one against their second deck.


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Re: Round 4 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 05:46:45 am »
Ah... what to do vs earth? Anybody have an idea what our vault looks like? :x

