Deck 1: 3 Firebolts, 2 Rage Potion and 1 Vampire Stiletto (What Vineroz said)
Momentumed Sparks, are nice upgraded I guess. Maybe add Blessing. Gravy/Light duo. But we have no Blessing in our vault.
Deck 2: definitely 2 Flying Weapon, 4 Crusader
Thats the difficult part...
Deck 3: We have 4 Armagios in our vault, I would say we keep them. We can also combine them with Rage Potion from Salvage.
I also don't want to discard Catapult, Titan and FW, but I think we must.
-7 Pillars, -1 Flying Weapon, - 2 Overdrive , -1 Titan, -1 Gravity Pull = -12
Deck 4: Sorry that I lost that match. I really hate to lose...
I'm afraid of suicide decks, so we shouldn't discard to many pillars and pendulums. We have 10 Acceleration in our vault -2 of the discard of Deck 3 = 8. And I think we'll need at least 7 or 8 in our vault.
-4 Pendulum, -1 Cloak, -2 Liquid Shadow, -2 Tower Shield, -1 Voodoo Doll, -1 Garvity Pull, -1 Acceleration = -12
Deck 5: This. Is. Difficult. I would say we dicard Black Hole, Momentum and Dune Scorps. Well, we can use 2 of 5 Dune Scorps in another Gravy/time deck with Pharao.
-3 Momentum, - 3 Dune Scorpions, -1 Reverse Time, -5 Pendulum = -12
Deck 6: I really want to see this or a similiar Deck again this war. Thatswhy I wouldn't discard Entropy Creature and Weapon.
-2 Black Hole (Still 10 in our vault), -1 Flying Weapon (We would have 6 again. 6 from vault +2 from Deck2 -1 from Deck3 -1 from Deck 6), -2 Saphire Charger, -6 Pendulum, -1 Momentum (We would have still 6 in our vault.)
If anybody say, this deck is too slow, we can discard Abomination instead of pendulums.