Initial thoughts before doing any research:
GG vs. Dogg: Considering the Event Card, I almost expecting a partially upped immo rush here. Swapping in some MPs and Cremations will speed them up incredibly and gravity is notorious for being a slow starter. There is no way we will be able to outrush
. A control deck might be out best option, especially if we can use one that has a low reliance on Permanents (1
Explosions will be brutal if they use them) or that includes PAs for key permanents.
jmdt vs. coinich: I expect Light to bring out one of their strongest decks for this matchup. This means probably either a Sanc Firestall or Vader Saders. Both of these take time to set up and Vader Saders don't have CC backup. I've beaten many unupped sanc firestalls with a simple grabby rush and I'm thinking that might be our best option here. Novagrabby can roll fast enough to take down Vader Saders before it gets too much of a healing block going, and it will at least give us a decent chance against a sanc firestall. Additionally, Light is an element that may not utilize too many upgrade conversions since they had such an expensive auction cost so we might catch a break there.
TStar vs Azumi: Ugh.....Time has always been one of our toughest matchups because of how easily RT can neuter many of our best cards like GP and Acceleration and a Neurotoxin deck is still something we'll have problems with. This is one match where we probably don't need to worry too much about facing heavy PC. I'm not really sure yet what to best use here but quinted fire eaters might be the best option if it moves fast enough to overcome GotP/Nightmare and Neurotoxin decks.
Malebolgia vs. suxerz: I don't know too much about suxerz but I'm hoping his name reflects his skill lol. I can't really make a prediction here until I see how the other Death matchups are looking to see where they will be focusing their resources most. Devtals could be a problem.
tng vs. xdude: This is another rough matchup. Death with it's array of unupped poison options is a tough opponent. What's worse if they won the propoganda and have plenty of cards to trash for upgrades. An upgraded speed poison deck would be brutally effective on us. Death has tons of options but my gut tells me some version of a poison deck will their chosen method against us and make us try to stop it. I'll look more into it, but that would be my chosen method of attack against Gravity if I was in their shoes.
ein vs. Higs: Another ugh matchup, but we actually fare better against Aether than most. I've never had to pleasure of facing Higs but looking over her TPvP stuff she seems to like using Healing and Dragons in a combo when she can. Granted that's a restricted environment so it may not say much but I think it shows that she likes to utilize control type decks. People who have played her chime in an let me know some of her usual tactics. Unfortunately the counter for a Fractal deck vs. Dragon deck are vastly different so I'm not sure yet what might work. This might be a situation where Fractal Chargers would be ideal as that would make the Phase Shields pointless and should be able to keep ahead of any Lightning CC spam to keep our field clear. Aether has several tough matchups to consider and will likely view this as one of the "safer" duels they have so they might underestimate us and not commit too many additional upgrades to this duel since they already start with a 6-0 upgrade edge.
KDZ vs. Bootsza: Water can roll several deck types. The most dangerous might be if they utilize upgrades to make an upgraded speed poison deck around Puffer Fish and/or Physalias. Like Death, that will be a really tough counter for us. Some of the more standard water decks like Steamers/Squids or Dragons/Freeze are simple counters for us with Gravity Shield Stall since they can't break it. As a bonus as critters of ours they Freeze with that deck gives us a +9 to damage when he launch it. In fact, the more I think about it the more some type of catapult deck might make sense here. Ice Shield is one of their top CC cards and we can use that against them with a catapult. I'll have to look into some of their previous decks more but unupped Water doesn't rush well but it might work if they up some cards and go with a Nova rush.
TII vs. Amilir: Another tough one because of OE's ability to CC almost anything creature we play. TII suggested Quint Fire Eaters and that may work, but it'll be a risky move to use it when Wings can basically stop that deck cold. I don't expect anything too slow like UG and Flying OE's can work but it will not be an ideal choice since most of our creatures take 2 or 3 at least to kill. Discord might be the card of choice here possibly in a AM stall. It'll be difficult no matter what to predict this and I'll need to think it over. Discord/Wings combo seems natural since Gravity has trouble getting flying creatures out and dragons cost a fortune so the Discord stall should stop it dead long enough. This might be a matchup where using a Pulvy/EQ deck to control the OE's and Fog/Wings would be best. It's hard to say really when there are so many upgrade options for them too. I'll need to research this matchup a bit more.